Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Education Is The Real Importance Of Education - 1562 Words
Growing up as a child, I never really understood the real importance of education, whether it was because of my ignorance as a child or because I needed to realize on my own just how important education is for me. All I knew that it was important, like brushing your teeth every day and showering. I knew it was a place that I had to go every day to get smart and as I got older I slowly started to learn education was important if I wanted to have a career. Depending on the person he or she will find their own interpretation of what education is and there is no specific age an individual figures out their own special meaning. When the topic of education is brought up to me, I now have realized not only the obvious statement of how important†¦show more content†¦As a child, I was never at the top of the class, but I was not at the bottom. I was an average student, my issue is that I was very lazy and did not practice the skills I was being taught consistently. I had the ability to pick things up very fast, but I never used that skill to my advantage. I would never reach the next step of whatever was taught because I did not practice at home; I did the bare minimum, which was simply doing the homework, thus I was never the top student and cheated myself from gaining more knowledge. The problem with me was that school was not so appealing to me, I enjoyed some of the fun, learning activities that my teachers would do once in a while, but the problem was they did not have the sufficient time to always conduct fun activities that some students need in order for them to stay engaged and it did not help that I m a boy and love to play sports and was only looking forward to recess and PE because I was able to play. Even with that, I was able to come away with slightly above average grades throughout elementary. When I attended middle school, I started to take school slightly more seriously, my motivation, unfortunately, because I had figured out what education me ant to me, but simply because my parents said I needed to have good grades in order to play basketball for the school. The GPA requirement for the school was 2.0, which I explained to myShow MoreRelatedInâ€Å"Are Too Many People Going To College?†, The Author,1239 Words  | 5 Pagesundergraduate degree, diminishes the importance of a college B.A., and claims that more people should consider providing goods and services rather than pursuing more advanced careers. He begins by outlining the importance of â€Å"core knowledge†being taught at a younger age in order to provide students with â€Å"cultural literacy†in American history and literature. After addressing a basis of education, he continues to discuss the importance of a liberal arts education over a â€Å"brick-and-mortar campus†. InRead MoreLessons From The Assembly Line By Andrew Braaksma890 Words  | 4 Pagesarticle named â€Å"Some Lessons from the Assembly Line†by Andrew Braa ksma throws light on the importance of higher education by illustrating his real life experiences from his summer internship in a factory where he worked as a blue collar employee and learned that blue collar job has lots of disadvantages and is uncertain although it pays well. To reiterate, the author has emphasized on the importance of higher education and how his summer internship as a blue collar employee taught him various valuable lessonsRead MoreEssay on Comparing the Republic to the Modern Society831 Words  | 4 Pagesworld today. One of the most important things that Plato stresses is the importance of education. Without education of the masses, democracy would cease to exist. When Plato was forming his ideal society, he stressed the importance of education for several reasons. Most importantly, educating citizens led to a peaceful, well-run republic. For Plato, education was not about information intake and data storage. Rather, education was drawing out the knowledge that was already in the student. He said thatRead MoreWorking Experience Is More Important Than Education1442 Words  | 6 PagesWorking Experience is More Important than Education Its been a question that society has debated for a long time. Does education or work experience provide the most benefits and therefore hold more importance for children and society as a whole? Many people believe that its the most important for children to spend time becoming highly educated so that they can obtain great jobs. Others believe that children and adults should gain work experience instead because this will lead to better jobs. BothRead MorePlato Education Reform Essay1574 Words  | 7 Pagesthat â€Å"education is the craft concerned with..turning around and with how the soul can most easily and effectively be made to do it†(Plato 190). In this paper, I will propose Plato’s reform for the American education system through analyzing his account of education, the nature and different kinds of education using the allegory of the cave, its correlation to kallipolis, the nature of the soul, and his metaphysical theory of forms. I shall argue that Plato woul d propose the American education systemRead MoreEducation And Liberal Arts Education1253 Words  | 6 PagesA study in general education (liberal arts) affects different aspects of my development both physically and mentally. A liberal arts education has shaped the form I conceive and return over individual circumstances. After attending class and reading all the benefits of a liberal arts education it has shaped the direction I held regarding a Liberal Arts education. A liberal arts education has shifted the way I study and the process I go about completing my school work. Furthermore, from the mannerRead MoreIdealism And Its Impact On Education1668 Words  | 7 Pagesphilosophy thrives on logical thinking, a liberal education approach with consequently focusing on theory first ,practice later. The constant effort plus strive that students must accomplish to achieve perfection in reading, writing, speaking and listening is the reason why idealism is paradoxical. Idealism do es not take into consideration the constantly changing variables that occur. When I took the self-evaluation reflection of my philosophy of education survey, the progressivism score was a scoreRead MoreEducation Plays An Important Role In Sh1412 Words  | 6 Pagesï » ¿Education plays an important role in shaping an individual’s career. The level of education helps people to earn recognition and respect in the society. Undoubtedly education is both socially personally an indispensible part of human life. However the inequalities in the standards of education are still a major issue that needs to be solved as early as it could be. The importance of education is our life cannot be ignored at any cost. Education is the only way to get knowledge. For instance, youRead MoreThe Education Of Children By Michel De Montaigne1081 Words  | 5 PagesToday’s education is largely based on memorization and conforming students to not have their own thoughts. However in Michel de Montaigne’s ideas On the Education of Children, he critiques the way the education system is today. Montaigne argues that children should apply their education to their own life, rather than memorization and reciting the information. Montaigne’s ideal of education of children guides today’s education at all two levels by using his idea of application rather than memorizationRead MoreAnnotated Bibliography Ni Technology Education781 Words  | 4 PagesAnnotated Bibliography: Trends in Technology Education by Sacha Richards October 14, 2016 Originality Score: Three trends I have noticed in the Education realm of Technology are Project Based Learning, Data Informed Decisions and World-Class Standards and Personalized Professional Development. In defining Project Based Learning, this occurs where students are involved in identifying and solving a problem in and out of the classroom. Data Informed Decisions occurs where data is used to drive curriculum-based
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
The Battle Of The Wilderness - 2537 Words
The Battle of the Wilderness was the first battle of the Overland Campaign during the Civil War. Often overlooked because it was indecisive, it is historically significant. It definitively identified Lieutenant General Ulysses S. Grant as the leading man in the fight for the Union and set the stage for the move to the James River and the taking of Richmond, Virginia, where the Confederate Army ultimately fell in defeat. Grant planned the battle between May 3 and 4 of 1864 and the battle itself occurred on May 5th and 6. This battle, the first between Grant and General Robert E. Lee of the Confederates, was the first major engagement between arguably the two greatest leaders of the Civil War. The battle took place in the tangled woods of what is now Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania National Park about 10 miles west of Fredericksburg, Virginia along Orange Plank Road and Orange Turnpike. The Federals held the land to the east and the confederates to the west. The land was nearly impassable, proving a nightmare for both moving men and logistics. The importance of the location, however, was significant. Railways and roads led to Washington and were logistically important. For two years, fighting for the land surrounding the Rappahannock and Rapidan rivers led to stalemate. Twice previously, Lee had been able to withstand attack from the Federals; attacks led by Joseph Hooker and George Meade. Lee’s plan was, likely, to take Washington, which he believed would decidedly winShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of J. Tracy Power s Lee s Miserables1429 Words  | 6 PagesPower’s Lee’s Miserables, Power evaluates the mindset of the soldiers by following their correspo ndence to family members as well as their use of diaries. The book is designed to demonstrate the psychological changes of the soldiers from The Battles of the Wilderness and Spotsylvania to the eventual surrender of the army at Appomattox. Power effectively describes the spectrum of physiological states exhibited by the soldier while maintaining a theme of respect for the generalship of Robert E. Lee. WhileRead MoreThe Patriot ( 2000 )1501 Words  | 7 Pagesagainst the British until Colonel William Tavington (Lt. Colonel Banastre Tarleton) kills Benjamin’s son and burns down his house in South Carolina. Benjamin Martin leads his militia and attacks against the British with guerilla warfare until the climax battle, where he takes revenge for his son and kills Colonel William. What is wrong with The Patriot? It may have gotten the big picture, which was that the British taxed the colonists unfairly and the colonists took action by forming a militia to winRead MoreThe Battle Of Chancellorsville, Virginia1517 Words  | 7 PagesThe battle of Chancellorsville, Virginia was fought from April 30 through May 6, 1863. It was fought between the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia commanded by General Robert E. Lee, and the Federal Army of the Potomac commanded by Major General Joseph Hooker. The intent of this battle was for Major General Hooker’s Union force to cross the Rappahannock River west of Chancellorsville in order to gain control of the Virginia Central and Fredericksburg rail lines; these rail lines were essentialRead MoreDaniel Boone, An American Explorer And Frontiersman1015 Words  | 5 Pagesblacksmith and weaver, Squire Boone Sr. and nurtured by his England emigrated mother, Sarah Morgan. Boone was the sixth born and received a skim p formal education, for he learned to read and write from his mother. Boone acquired an education in wilderness and survival skills from his father. Boone just like his father had a niche for woodsmanship and hunting, for at the age of twelve he shot his first bear. In 1755, Daniel Boone left home for a military expedition that was a part of the FrenchRead MoreDaniel Boone, An American Explorer And Frontiersman1226 Words  | 5 Pageseducation in wilderness and survival skills from his father. Boone just like his father had a niche for woodsmanship and hunting, for at the age of twelve he shot his first bear. In 1755, Daniel Boone left home for a military expedition that was a part of the French and Indian War. Boone served as a teamster who drove supplies by wagon for Brigadier General Edward Braddock, during Braddock’s attempt to drive the French out of Ohio Country,which concluded in disaster at the Battle of MonongahelaRead MoreAnalysis : The Tonic Of The Wilderness 911 Words  | 4 Pagesidea of seeing the wilderness as an essential value of the Earth is Gladys Swan. Swan clarifies Crà ¨vecÅ“ur’s message about men perceived as plants by analyzing how men have adapted and encapsulated the need of capitalism when coming to America. This need has shifted American Puritans focus on capitalism and has lost hope in valuing the land of Earth. Swan later expressing her reasoning’s through an article â€Å"The Tonic of the Wilderness†supporting that people living in the wilderness adapt to a slowerRead MoreTaking Jerusalem : A Victory1513 Words  | 7 PagesNIV). There were few drawbacks to living in this time because it was a time of conquest and settlement. Despite there being a few drawbacks, they are not little in substance, including the near failure at the battle of Ai, murder, genocide, and the tests of Judges 6. However, at the battle of Ai, many of the Israelites were killed because there were a few that stole and took some of the devoted things (Joshua 7, NIV). God told Joshua that unless he destroyed those that had wronged, the defeat wouldRead MoreFreedom of Humanity Depends on the Connection with Nature842 Words  | 4 Pageshe has a great influence on Ike and the wilderness. â€Å"The Bear†is not only about the life of Old Ben, but it is also about the wilderness, racism, possession of land, and the meaning of humanity. The interpretation of wilderness Faulkner present in his book is that the forest represents an essential connection among liberty and humanity (Radloff). Through allusion, William Faulkner uses imagery and symbolism to connect liberty and humanity with the wilderness. William Faulkner, with the successfulRead MoreAbraham Licoln Outline Essay example1749 Words  | 7 Pagesmaterial was in short supply in the Indiana wilderness. Neighbors recalled how Abraham would walk for miles to borrow a book. Occupationally: he was a lawyer and a former representative and president of the United States of America. IV. Dates of the term or terms of office: In office from March 4, 1861 to April 15, 1865 V. Issues prominent in each election: The issue of the presidential election of 1860 was bound to be slavery. Battles over the spread of slavery to new territoriesRead MoreThe Bear by William Faulkner Essay1088 Words  | 5 Pagesare men, full of greed and destructive possessiveness, pursuing that which they do not understand. Ike’s idea of the bear, presented in section 1 of the novella, expresses the idea of symbolism in relation to the bear and to the hunters and what the battle between the two represents. The bear itself, Old Ben, is a symbol for nature in what he spiritually embodies. He is described by Ike as being â€Å"too big,†a monster that â€Å"loomed and towered†(193) over the young boy, the bear was something to fear
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Role Of The Department Of Homeland Security Example For Students
Role Of The Department Of Homeland Security On September 11, 2011, the United States observed the tenth anniversary of the worst terrorist attacks in the history of the United States . The creation of many anti-terrorism organizations was a clear message that this threat is beyond a single military or intelligence capacity. Our citizens demanded a strong response that would prevent any future terrorist threat. President Bush created the Department of Homeland Security as the key agency responsible for all anti-terrorism activities to protect our homeland. Government officials and law makers introduced anti-terrorism laws and measures to allow key intelligence and counterterrorism agencies to protect us from terror. Outlining the role of the Department of Homeland Security depicts how this agency was able to coordinate multi agency work to achieve one common goal,; to protect American citizens. The DHS has played a valued role in protecting our nation against terrorism while engaging in a joint agency task force to avoid any deficiencies or miscommunication that might allow terrorists the openings to attack us. The Department of Homeland Security made counterterrorism its first and ultimate goal by detecting explosives in public spaces and transportation networks, helping protect critical infrastructure and cyber networks from attack, detecting agents of biological warfare, and building information-sharing partnerships with state and local law enforcement that can enable law enforcement to mitigate threats (, 2012). Prior September 11 attacks, United States’ citizens thought of terrorism as another act of extreme violence that police work had to deal with without having to engage too many resources or departments within our intelligence community. After Bin Laden declared war against our values, freedom, peace, and liberties, terrorism became a priority on the agenda of our politicians who knew, through experience , how dangerous it is to tolerate terror even if it is thousands of miles away. The creation of the Department of Homeland Security was a result of the deficiencies and mistakes that did not prevent the multiple attacks that targeted the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and the White House .â€Å"The President proposes to create a new Department of Homeland Security, the most significant transformation of the U. S. government in over half century, by largely transforming and realigning the current confusing patchwork of government activities into a single department, whose pri mary mission is to protect our homeland†(Falk Morgenstern, 2009, p. 27). The suffering and tragedies we observed prior to the terrorist attacks on 9/11 caused a new era that put security at the top of the agenda of every politician. They had no other options than supporting pro-security bills like the USA PATRIOT Act. â€Å"President George W. Bush is joined by House and Senate representatives as he signs H.R. 3199, USA Patriot Improvement and Reauthorization Act of 2005, Thursday, March 9, 2006 in the East Room of the White House ( The Department of Homeland Security and other government agencies needed this kind of act to smoothly do its job in an aggressive way while maintaining most of our values. More security measures are as essential to our freedom as the values that our founders created to make us the greatest nation on earth. The cooperation of the DHS with multi agencies’ anti-terrorism units, especially the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), was a clear message that this threat is beyond a single military or intelligence capacity. Eliminating Al-Qaeda and its cells has been a successful t, resulting in the killing of Osama Bin Laden and aborting many attempts to murder our citizens and to destroy our infrastructures. The Department of Homeland Security was specifically a result of the terrorist attacks of 9/11. The Department of Homeland Security states, Protecting the American people from terrorist threats is the founding purpose of the Department and our highest priority. The Department s efforts to battle terrorism, include detecting explosives in public spaces and transportation networks, helping protect critical infrastructure and cyber networks from attack, detecting agents of biological warfare, and building information-sharing partnerships with state and local law enforcement that can enable law enforcement to mitigate threats ( gand maro EssayProtecting our aviation represent one of the primary goals of the antiterrorism units of the DHS. The Federal Air Marshal, Securing Flight Program, Redress Control Numbers, and the Airline Security Screening are some of the primary goals since the September 11 terrorist attack that used planes to attack the World Trade Center. Another goal of the DHS is to secure America against any chemical threat. The Ammonium Nitrate Security Program and the Critical Infrastructure security are some of the chemical security priorities. The Department of Homeland Security also focuses on fraud and counterfeiting that engages the work of the Secret Service to prevent fraud. Information sharing is one of the main priorities that include other agencies in antiterrorism response activities to protect our homeland. The National Terrorism Advisory System, as well as the Protected Critical Infrastructure Information (PCII) Program, consists of two major programs interacting with multi-government agencies to shield us from terrorism. Protecting our infrastructure is a key antiterrorism tool that protects our water supplies, electricity, and communications from any attack. The U.S. Coast Guard, as well as other law enforcement branches, works hard to secure our ports and airports from any breach that can put in danger our security. Nuclear Security is one of the branches that protects our nation form attacks on nuclear facilities by using Layered Nuclear Defense, Nuclear Detection Equipment Performance, and the Nuclear Secur ity Capabilities Development (, 2012). I suggest more engagement of the Department of Homeland Security in foiling and halting terrorist threats. Closer cooperation with other agencies like the FBI can be helpful to better respond and eliminate any terrorist activities in our homeland. I would love to hear more positive news of the DHS antiterrorism units’ successes rather than FEMA and ICE deficiencies. More effort should be made by DHS officials to make sure people understand the importance of its mission to maintain safety and security instead of attacking screening procedures at airports. More collaboration and multiagency work create safer communities with more liberties and more security. Engaging more agencies in antiterrorism objectives must be a priority rather than an ambition. I believe that the Department of Homeland Security has been doing a great job and must be supported to continue its mandate to protect our country.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Journey to the City of the Dead, or Palm Pyanar and Upokoyny Vinarov Review Essay Example
Journey to the City of the Dead, or Palm Pyanar and Upokoyny Vinarov Review Paper Essay on Journey to the City of the Dead, or Palm Pyanar and Upokoyny Vinarov By reading Amos Tutuola I pushed the head of the book Elizabeth Costello Dzh.M.Kutzee African novel. It it was a question of African authors: their books on the home continent hardly read, and they are forced to work for export, while trying to please both his and other peoples. According to Coetzee, African writers are guided in his work to the west, playing on the identity and originality, but they often forget that the first should write for the people, to write a good book about the pressing issues without looking at the audience. It is also considered the thesis of the oral nature of the African novel. As an example, two authors Amos Tutuola and Ben Okri were mentioned as the most famous of African writers. Such a detailed story on this chapter due to the fact that in part through the prism expressed in her ideas I took the book of Amos Tutuola Journey to the City of the Dead, or Palm Pyanar and Upokoyny Vinarov »  «Palm Pyanar. is a literary fairy tale, based on the beliefs of the Yoruba African people (thanks Wikipedia!). The main character, who is also the Father of the Gods Vsenasvetemoguschy lost Vinarov, who took it and went to the other world. Life without Pyanaryu Vinarov not sweet, and he embarks on a journey to the City of the Dead, to return a faithful servant. Along the way he meets Death, the Universal Mother, the Giant, as well as a wide variety of spirits, beasts and creatures: Dobychlivyh, terrible, unseen, Red and beautiful. narrative style is really like more came to oral tradition, a very simple, quite specific language (a consequence of Nigerian English), endless repetition and alliteration on paper almost frightening: We will write a custom essay sample on Journey to the City of the Dead, or Palm Pyanar and Upokoyny Vinarov Review specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Journey to the City of the Dead, or Palm Pyanar and Upokoyny Vinarov Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Journey to the City of the Dead, or Palm Pyanar and Upokoyny Vinarov Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer At first we thought it was a bomb exploded but then realized with whom met with laughter, and here Being othohotalis and laughter laughed for two hours first, we can only wonder and listened to, but less than a minute, we forgot about the pain and began pohohatyvat, then laughed and started. with laughter until yvatsya with laughter, and he laughed and laughed, giggled in different voices and supporting voices we are in lifes nothing funny about not heard Although the book and the Nigerian author, fabulous plot moves are universal:. Hero runs numerous tests, meets with many dangers, defeats or simply running from the clutches of the enemy, he rescues from the lair of the monster beautiful girl, of course, all of this under a thick sauce of local color and legends. Reads easily and quickly, sometimes funny, sometimes surprising, and horizons expanded. According to the general impression, we can agree with Coetzee and recognize the book African lubok (I exaggerate, of course) as held for sale to Western readers-tourists. Reflections Coetzee are without a decent base, especially as he looks at African literature from the inside, but the impressions of the book in any way pleasant. But you can look at the Palm Pyanarya and on the other hand. Tutola writes about love, friendship, treachery in his own fashion, exotic and recognizable. Primitive, but powerful images of dangers, enemies, obstacles encountered on the way of every seeker. The whole book a great metaphor search for happiness man who can be the Father of the Gods Vcenasvetemoguschim, but only when he remembers it and believe in its power. So Amos Tutuola much more interesting and profound than it might seem at first glance.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Mythology of the Vampire VSs Interview with the Vampire essays
Mythology of the Vampire VS's Interview with the Vampire essays Vampires have always been a major concept in literature, mythology, and legend. Vampires may possibly be one of the most notorious, and romanticized monsters in fiction. Throughout the history of vampires, the mythology of their powers, limitations, and ways they are created have changed with each culture, movie or piece of literature that has adopted them. In the movie Interview with the Vampire a new set of vampire mythology is cunningly created based on the use of, and the rejection of previous mythology. The movie is based on the first book of Anne Rices Vampire Chronicles which was published in 1976.The movie begins in 1791 as the vampire Lestat finds a young man named Louis in a pub. Louis has lost his wife and daughter and has nothing else to live for when Lestat offers him eternal life and everlasting youth. Louis agrees to be with Lestat because anything has to be better than the life he lives now. Louis soon finds out however, that the vampire life is not for him. Lestat very much enjoys taking lives and feeding on other people. Louis does not enjoy the killing and therefore starts feeding on the blood of rats and other animals to stay alive. Then when Lestat creates a new fledgling Claudia, he gets more than he bargained for. Claudia kills lestat, and her and louis set off for an adventure to find other vampires, so they can learn what they are, and why they exist. In most of vampire mythology, a vampire is created when a vampire feeds upon a victim. The victim dies and then rises from the dead as a newborn vampire. The myth has been around for quite a while, certainly in ancient Greek and Rome, and ranging from Assyria to India to Malaya. The legends are diverse, though all involve humans returning from the dead, needing fresh blood to survive. (Konstaninos 5) In this movie vampires are created in a much more elaborate manner. Vampires can feed on victims even to the point of death and not create a new ...
Friday, November 22, 2019
How to Express Exclamations in French
How to Express Exclamations in French Exclamations are words or phrases that express a desire, an order, or a strong emotion. There are various French grammatical structures that can be used as true exclamations. All of them end in an exclamation point, and there is always a space between the last word and the exclamation mark, as there is for several other French punctuation marks. The exclamation mark is a grammatical end mark that occurs often in French, whether the sentence or phrase is a true exclamation or not. It is, thus, in many instances a softer mark than in English. Exclamation points are often added even if speakers are just a little agitated or are raising their voice even slightly; the mark doesnt have to mean that they are truly exclaiming or declaring something. By the way, Merriam-Webster defines an exclamation as: a sharp or sudden utterancea vehement expression of protest or complaint And Larousse defines the French equivalent verb sexclamer, as to cry out; for example, sexclamer sur la beautà © de quelque chose (to cry out in admiration over the beauty of something). Here are some French grammatical structures that can be used to express exclamations where urgency or a heightened emotional state is implicit. French Imperative The imperative expresses an order, hope, or wish, as in: Viens avec nous.  Come with us. The imperative can also express urgency or an extreme emotional state, as in: Aidez-moi !  Help me! Que + Subjunctive Que followed by the subjunctive creates a third person command or wish: Quelle finisse avant midi !  I hope shes done by noon!Quil me laisse tranquille !  I wish hed just leave me alone! Exclamative Adjective The exclamative adjective quel is used to emphasize nouns, as in: Quelle bonne idà ©e !  What a good idea!Quel dà ©sastre !  What a disaster!Quelle loyautà © il a montrà ©e !  What loyalty he showed! Exclamative Adverbs Exclamative adverbs like que or comme add emphasis to statements, as in: Que cest dà ©licieux !  Its so delicious!Comme il est beau !  He is so handsome!Quest-ce quelle est mignonne!  She sure is cute! The Conjunction Mais The conjunction mais (but) can be used to emphasize a word, phrase, or statement, like this: Tu viens avec nous ?  Are you coming with us?Mais oui !  Why yes!Il veut nous aider.  He wants to help us.Mais bien sà »r !  But of course!Mais je te jure que cest vrai !  But I swear its true! Interjections Just about any French word can be an exclamation if it stands alone as an interjection, such as : Voleur !  Thief!Silence !  Quiet! Quoi and comment, when used as interjections, express shock and disbelief, as in: Quoi ! Tu as laissà © tomber cent euros ?  What! You dropped a hundred euros?Comment ! Il a perdu son emploi ?  What! He lost his job? Indirect Exclamations All of the above are called direct exclamations because the speaker is exclaiming his or her feelings of shock, disbelief, or amazement. Indirect exclamations, in which the speaker is explaining rather than exclaiming, differ from direct exclamations in three ways: They occur in sub-clauses, do not have an exclamation point, and require the same grammatical changes as indirect speech: Quelle loyautà © il a montrà ©e ! Je sais quelle loyautà © il a montrà ©e.What loyalty he showed! I know what loyalty he showed.Comme cest dà ©licieux ! Jai dit comme cà ©tait dà ©licieux.Its delicious! I said it was delicious. In addition, the exclamative adverbs que, ce que, and quest-ce que in direct exclamations always change to comme or combien in indirect exclamations: Quest-ce cest joli ! Il a dit comme cà ©tait joli.Its so pretty! He said how pretty it was.Que dargent tu as gaspillà ©Ã‚ ! Je sais combien dargent tu as gaspillà ©.Youve wasted so much money! I know how much money youve wasted.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Use of quantative methods for a healthcare organization when launching Essay
Use of quantative methods for a healthcare organization when launching a first of its kind medical device - Essay Example These technologies use molecular diagnostics, diagnostic imaging technologies and revolutionary telecommunication to serve their clients and have a wider reach. Similarly a disruptive innovation is one which brings to market the products and services that are much more affordable, and also keeping the quality levels intact and may be higher. It exceeds the expectation of the market in terms of cost effectiveness or being designed for a different set of customers. Disruptive innovations are now the key to ushering of affordable and competent healthcare. For example, a health care disruptive innovation was the one which disrupted retail pharmacies. In addition the potential drugs discovered to lower cholesterol are considered as the disrupted technologies and innovation to replace the frequency of angioplastic surgeries which itself was a disruptive technology to open heart surgery. The Zenith Hospital wanted to use a disruptive technology due to the some facts studied by the management survey. The survey was based on statistical models which gave a direction for the implementation of the disruptive technology. The focus of the hospital was to increase the patient turnover and profitability by reaching to the unattended patient population. Methodology Data collection of the patient turnover in the hospital was considered for the previous two years. This was compared by statistical analysis to find out the difference in patient turnover and statistical tests of significance were implemented. Data collection done from a competitive hospital of a similar profile to understand the position Feedback questionnaire was formulated to find out the reasons and preferences for selecting the hospital services. This was represented as a pie chart to analyze the major reasons of satisfaction or dissatisfaction of the factors causing usage of hospital services. The correlation coefficient will then be found out with the various factors that is positively related with the positive turnovers and the factors related with the negative turnover of the patients. Usage of ordinary least squares regression to be done to find out the weighted significance of all the factors which contribute to the positivity and negativity of the patient turnover in the hospital. A cost benefit analysis was done to estimate the return on investment for the AKA disruptive technology to be implemented and the feasibility of such project Results 1. Patient turnover in the Zenith Hospital in 2011(1) and 2012(2) in earlier 2 years. (p0.01) 3. The factors leading to dissatisfaction for reduced turnover of the patients 4. The correlation coefficients calculated with turnover were -0.7 with waiting time, +0.123 with Competency of hospital staff, +0.003 with cost effectivity and +0.21 with care giving. Significant correlation coefficients were related to waiting time and care giving(p
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Social Activism and Taiwan Sunflower Movement Essay - 4
Social Activism and Taiwan Sunflower Movement - Essay Example The movement also served to advance Taiwan democracy by allowing the country’s citizen to decide on issues affecting them. The movement revitalized the civil society of Taiwan and renewed the hope of Taiwan nationalities that had lost their hope. In addition, it united other Activists to a common cause who previously fought each other. Another indication of success was the fact that the sunflower movement became the primary focus of various international academic conferences. The issue of the protest kept on recurring in a number of activism discussion. It was argued that it effects would likely outlive its presence in the mainstream media (â€Å"Was Taiwan's Sunflower Movement Successful?†). Student protesters who incited the masses to occupy the Taiwan legislature led the movement. In addition, 54 civic groups and a number of Non-Governmental Organization took part in the protest Thousands of Taiwanese showed their support and, as a result, it made headlines in the major news outlet. The movement was nothing like the Arab spring or other regime change movement. The students did not demand a regime change; they only asked the politicians to respect the public opinion. The public was against the government efforts to increase the ties with China. The movement was characterized by ideological speeches from various student leaders. The movement was named a sunflower movement by the Taiwanese media. The sun symbolizes people’s hopes for brighter days devoid of China economic influence in Taiwan. The tolerance showed by the Taiwanese police towards the protest was commendable as long as it remained a peaceful protest. The social media and the international media were a buzz with the activities of the protest. Songs, banners, vigils, and protest also characterized the Sunflower movement. The student protestors marched through the streets carrying banners and chanting Occupy Parliament. Following the student occupation of the Taiwan parliament, riot police evicted them out forcefully.Â
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Three heads are better than one Essay Example for Free
Three heads are better than one Essay Three Heads are Better Than One: Response Robert J. Trotter, in this article on intelligence tests, focuses on the recent work of Sternberg (an IBM Professor of Psychology and Education at Yale University). Sternberg recalls at the beginning how his test scores on standardized tests were terrible as a child in the fifth grade because he was always nervous and ended up freaking out mid test. This continued until one year he had to retake a test with the grade below him where he noticed he was not near as nervous because he was around babies. This strange occurrence in his life lead Sternberg to study Psychology and attend Princeton for his graduate degree. He focused mainly on IQ tests and how IQ directly can influence peoples ability to decide how successful or unsuccessful someone can be at a certain occupation. While he was working as at Yale University he noticed how the graduate students that applied with exemplary grades, test scores, recommendations and accommodations were fought over by the Ivy League schools. Yet these same students would graduate statistically lower than their test scores and undergraduate grades would assume. Secondly, he noticed that tudents with quite low-test scores and grades, for Yale, with great recommendations when given a chance would succeed with flying colors. Finally a third group with mediocre test scores recommendations and grades managed to have great Job placement opportunities. These case studies lead to his creation of the Triarchic Theory of intelligence. Sternberg hypothesized that there are three types of intelligence each with an important role in academic studies and in the work force. Componential intelligence revolves around analytical thinking and is great for test taking and undergraduate studies. Experiential intelligence surrounds around using your experiences to think creatively. Lastly, contextual intelligence is the ability to be able to recognize the world around you and how to come out on top in any situation. The most interesting part of this article was that it stated as Sternberg was conducting his study and asking both psychologists and Fortune 500 executives if they felt prepared for their Jobs from college and graduate school, they almost all answered that graduate school did not prepare them well at all. Today in Society College is not an option for people who want to get high paying Jobs later in life. Although they were only looking at people who had IQs between 110 and 150, the differences in IQ scores had almost no effect on the performance or the merit based promotions an individual received. Intelligence will never take the place of creativity in graduate school, or real life Job environments. Sternberg argues There are three ways to be smart but ultimately what you want to do is take the components, apply them to your experience, and use them to adapt to and shape your environment. The origin of basic intelligence testing as argued by Richard J. Gerig was originally ypothesized by Plato as he stated in the Republic no two people are born exactly alike; but each differs from one and other in natural endowments, one being suited for one occupation and one for another. The next important researcher for the creation of intelligence testing was Francis Galton in England. Galton ha d a Darwin was his cousin. Galton tested over 10,000 different people at the 1884 London Exposition based on reaction time, sensory acuity, physical strength, and body proportions. His test however did not lead to any correlated answers and he was left ith almost no understanding of intelligence. Although he failed, he did however leave us with a good idea of hereditary intelligence as he hypothesized that genius was transferred through generations. The modern analytical based testing for intelligence was started by Alfred Binet at the turn of the twentieth century in France. Binet started these tests to give schools a way to know if a student had mental deficiencies at a young age in order for students with special needs to receive help.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
The Zone Diet Essay -- Health Nutrition Weight Loss
It seems like everywhere you look there is some new diet plan making miraculous promises of weight loss through pills, plans, and formulas. The zone diet is no exception. The zone diet was developed by Dr. Barry Sears in his book," Enter the Zone" which was on the bestseller lists for weeks. The zone promises high energy, weight loss, and no hunger to those willing to follow the simple set of zone rules. It sounds great you say, but does it really work? What is the Zone? The "zone" was first referred to by athletes as a period of maximum performance and energy levels. When things are clicking and every part of our body is working at its best, we say we are "in the zone." When we fall short we experience a loss of performance, more illness, and feel moody and restless. The zone diet helps individuals to stay in the zone, not just trying to hit or miss. Instead of experiencing periodic energy highs and lows, it regulates levels throughout the day, putting the body in a metabolic state of peak efficiency. Much of this energy regulation is controlled by eicosanoids ( These are some of the most important chemical messengers in the body. However, since they perform their cell-to-cell communications very rapidly and in very small concentrations, they have often been overlooked by many researchers. Eicosanoids are completely derived from dietary fat. In addition, they have opposing physiological functions, which can be either good or bad. The good eicosanoids accelerate the use of stored body fat, whereas the bad do the opposite. These levels of eicosanoids can be controlled by what we eat at each meal. For example, high levels of carbohydrates decrease the produ... 4. Gray, J., and Martinovic, A. (I 994). Eicosanoids and essential fatty acid modulation in chronic disease and the chronic fatigue syndrome, Medical Hypotheses, 43(l): 31-42. Harvey, J., Wing, R.,& Mullen, M. (I 993). Effects on food cravings of a very low calorie diet or a balanced, low calorie diet. Appetite, 21(2): 105-15. Kurilla, Michael G. (I 996). Protein Requirements in Humans. Intemet Librwy Shah, M., McGovern, P., French, S. & Baxter J. (1994). Comparison of a low-fat, ad libitum complex-carbohydrate diet with a low-energy diet in moderately obese women. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 59(5): 980-4. Suchner, U., and Senftleben, U. (1994). h=une modulation by polyunsaturated fatty acids during nutritional therapy: interactions with synthesis and effects of eicosanoids. Infusionstherapie und Transfusionsmedzin, 21(3): 167-82.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Global Warming Essay
Every day we go about our own business. Many of us never take the time to look around and see how we are affecting our earth’s atmosphere. Everywhere you look today you are bound to see some factory or machinery polluting our air. Just think how many times you have seen those large semi trucks or big fossil fuel factories emitting thick dark smoke into the atmosphere. We need to come to reality and realize that all that polluting we have been doing over the last half-century is finally catching up to us. It is very easy to detect through scientific research that our earth’s climate is changing, Time magazine reports in its 2004 issue that the earth’s average temperature is increasing at a steady rate. Yes, we all have heard the term â€Å"global warming†, however many people don’t know in depth what global warming is, or how our actions will affect our earth if we don’t respond to the issue. If we can educate ourselves on what global warming is and how it will affect us in the near and far future, we can then begin to change our old habits of polluting and create new habits and goals to living in a much healthier and cleaner environment. During the earliest times, the life-styles of our ancestors were very simple. The air they breathed was clean. The streams were clear and free of harmful organisms. They used natural fertilizers for their agricultural crops. The surroundings were free of household throwaways. Today, there has been a tremendous growth in science and technology. Such advances have brought about changes in terms of new products, improved equipment, and more effective methodologies. Unfortunately, this same technology which made life easier for us produced wastes which are now affecting the quality of our surrounding air, water, and land. Factories and motor vehicles send tons of pollutants into our air. Excessive air pollution poses a danger to our health and environment. It can likewise cause stunted growth and even death to our plants. Out streams are polluted by discharges from industrial plants that use chemicals. Garbage and sink wastes are carelessly thrown in our surroundings. Synthetic fertilizers and insecticides pollute our land and farm products. At the same time, the burning of fossil fuels, particularly coal and oil, produces sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides which are hazardous to the atmosphere. Findings show that a single smokestack may produce as much as 500 tons of sulfur dioxide a day. When these gases combine with oxygen and moisture, sulfuric acid and nitric acid is formed. The rain will carry the acids to the ground (acid rain) which may cause the depletion of calcium and magnesium in the soil, elements needed by plants for the formation of chlorophyll and wood, or it may cause the release of aluminum in the soil, which are poisonous and can kill the roots of trees. How can we take care of our environment? We must undertake measures to preserve our resources and minimize utilization of energy before it’s too late. Our fight against pollution is an initial step toward conserving our environmental resources and energy. We must all join hands for this common goal. Furthermore, of all issues affecting humanity, climate change is the most pervasive and truly global, posing a very real and serious threat to our environment. Climate change is the alteration of the pattern of global climate that may be due to human activity that alters the composition of the atmosphere.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
African American in 19th Century Essay
The Civil war after effects; set the scene for what would become a long road of discovery, hardship, violence, and freedom however, during this process of transition the American people went through emotional as well economical changes which added additional stress to an already stressed nation where many groups became fearful and were subjected to racism which crossed over the boundary of liberty and Justice for all. Equality had become an endangered liberty guaranteed by a country build upon democracy, regrettably the African American people were not the only ones to suffer many vast groups faced hard days in America at the turn of the century several violent attacks were specifically carried out on the African American men and women even though, the civil war brought a lot of changes it produced little or no results for African American men; however, it did bring harsher persecution all over the country, whereas mass numbers of black men were lynched in the lower southern states in a show of defiance. â€Å"The Emancipation Act†did nothing for the white man but still provided less for the African black man who were still unable to vote in addition to having descent jobs with adequate pay many were forced back to the farm as sharecropper’s despite the set backs they percervered through the racial remarks and slanders. Black men and women were segragated from the start and separate waiting rooms bathrooms and dinning facilities openly poject the sentiments of the American people of the era,within the State of Mississippi; In Plessy vs. Ferguson (1896), The Supreme Court reinforced that â€Å"Blacks and Whites should be separate, but equal. †The statement SEPERATE but EQUAL! thosewords only produced Segregation on a bias legal system of fairness and equality in which a country struggling already became the fuel on a fire already burning and would later divided the country in later years sparking new violence and refocused hatred. More over the Men and women of that time were forced to swear on separate bibles, they couldn’t vote in the election in the country in which they were guaranteed equal rights because they were under disfranchisement, and the racism was developing more and more is some southern locations, for an example many southern states legislated that if your grandfather had cast a ballot then you are allowed to vote and this law supported that nearly all southern white mean were permitted to vote and excluded all African Americans in most situations men whose grandparents had most likely been slaves never voted. Booker T. Washington’s submitted a lot for the African Americans in turn of the century, after his famous speech in Atlanta 1895 (Atlanta Compromise) in about one year the African Americans got more rights, they began to use separated but equal facilities, it was stupid to say the least but it provided a line of truths temporarily and unfourantely included racist ideas inside but it was better than it had been before. Booker T. Washington’s met the American president Theodore Roosevelt at the white house in 1901 and that was a good step towards get the African American and their rights another great pioneer of that time was Du Boise who supported the right for equality and the strive to have equal opportunities within society however Booker T. Washington’s did a lot more for the African American rights, Washington became the Founder of the Niagara movement in 1905. †In 1909 the Niagara movement efforts led to foundation of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) which now is the enforcing representation of the African American whereas Booker T. Washington’s inspiration became a door way to freedom and allowed the African American man to have a voice in society. Finally, if I was African American living at that time, I will say that Booker T. Washington’s and Du Bois were the best representatives of the African Americans all over the country, and Booker T. Washington’s started the movement of the African Americans civil rights, while Du Bois came later to continue and support his efforts, they were great team and deserve the respect.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Problem Analysis essays
Problem Analysis essays Our learning has decided to tackle an issue/problem at Tobey Mains place of employment, Talk America. Talk America is a local and long distance phone company that manages 98% of their net adds in-house on a yearly basis. The way the company grows its customer base in other words, is primarily supported by their outbound telemarketing and inbound telemarketing and Online sales efforts. The problem that we will be discussing is the impact employee turnover has on its business model and financial forecast provided to Wall-Street. On a monthly basis Talk America continually focuses on ways to stimulate employee commitment and retention, however, the nature of the telemarketing business is stressful. Dealing with rejection day in and day out can take its toll on any employee. The limited control an employee has on phone sales is easily recognized. The triggering effect that drive us to really dig into this problem comes from the lack of performance in the call centers over the past 2 months, which has triggered an even larger % of employee attrition. On a monthly basis the company can range anywhere from 35-60% attrition and over the past 2 months it has been on the higher side of that range. A key driver for the lack of performance and turnover revolves around the mix of states the company is currently marketing, which can change drastically month over month. If employees dial into a highly competitive state and performance is at its highest level than turnover goes to the lower side of the 25%-60% range. Critical thinking by all members of the organizations management team is crucial, and we are confident that our presentation will uncover some critical paths to success in conquering this problem. Thinking outside of the box for various ways to improve moral, appreciation and employee commitment is what our paper and presentation will focus on. The problem with employee attrition is something t...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
5 things you need to remove from your resume and!
5 things you need to remove from your resume and! When writing your CV, your main goal should be to sell yourself. Why should this particular company pick you for the job? You should be highlighting significant aspects of your experience, and skills that prove you’re qualified to the job sector you’re applying to. Engaging a recruiter by using a clear structure that highlights your marketable skills is always the best way to approach the job seeker process. However, many candidates are adding unnecessary and overused elements that are diverting from the substance of their CV, and ruining their chances of success.Here are 5 things you need to remove from your CV if you want to the job.Clichà © phrasesPhrases like â€Å"I’m a perfectionist†or â€Å"I give 110%†are overused in resumes and CVs. These are bland statements that a recruiter has read hundreds of times before. Don’t blend into the crowd by using clichà ©s that don’t tell employers anything factual about you.Instead be spec ific in your detail by including industry-specific skills, market knowledge, IT proficiency, and real measurable achievements. Avoid buzzwords that are worn-out and unoriginal. Focus on what makes you and your experiences relevant and unique.LiesBending the truth might seem like an easy option to boost your CV but lies should be avoided at all costs. It will become obvious to a recruiter you have told white lies when you’re unable to back up your claims at an interview, and if found out during the recruitment process, you could find yourself removed from the shortlist.Avoid risking your opportunity by lying. If you don’t tick all the boxes required for a role, talk about how you could enhance this position with your transferable skills and unique experiences.Big paragraphsLarge paragraphs and big blocks of text are difficult to read and can result in a recruiter becoming bored as they scan for relevant information.Structure your CV in a way that breaks up the text, hig hlighting particular sections using bold headers and bullet points. Entice the recruiter to read further by presenting your marketable skills at first glance, rather than hiding significant detail in between other information.Don’t bury the lede, let them know right from the start that you’ll be an asset to their company.Structuring your CV correctly will facilitate the ease of reading and ensure more of the information is digested.Grammar and spelling errorsSpelling and grammar errors come across as a lack of attention to detail to a recruiter, and can even divert their attention away from the actual content of your CV.You can’t rely solely on spell checker so always double check before submitting your application and even get a third party to review on your behalf to avoid any huge mistakes.Typos can break the flow of information, leading to crucial details being lost.Logos and imagesImagery isn’t necessary for a CV. While images do catch a recruiterâ⠂¬â„¢s eye, it’s to the detriment of your CV.Profile pictures are never required in a resume as the decision of your suitability for a role should never be based on your looks. Avoid adding them at all costs. Also, any company or educational institute logos shouldn’t be incorporated. You have a limited amount of CV real estate so don’t waste this precious space on unnecessary features.Andrew Fennell is an experienced recruiter and founder of CV advice center StandOut CV. He is a regular contributor to sites such as CV Library, The Guardian, and Business Insider.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
The Catcher in the Rye Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
The Catcher in the Rye - Essay Example Antolini. Holden alluded about being in a mental hospital. The whole novel revolves around rebellion, alienation and aggression in youth. This is why this book has been one of the most challenged books in all times. This paper discusses opposing ideas on whether the Catcher in the Rye should be banned in schools. Critics state that the narration includes offensive style, inappropriate language and sexual content at many places (Whitfield 1997). Despite the fact that the sexual content is not very explicit, still parents and critics support the fact that the book should be banned. The writer shows Holden thinking, talking and imagining about sex. These imaginations are a part of typical physical development of a teenager; still, it is inappropriate to teach such concepts in schools and relating them with such a sensitive phase as teenage so explicitly. Graham (2007: xi) states that â€Å"the novel was condemned by some readers for its use of expletives and for presenting as a hero an adolescent who drinks, smokes and engages a prostitute†, and parents think that children should not be taught that such concepts are an integral part of teenage. The sexual content accompanies obscene and offensive language. Again, despite the fact that the obscene language is very moderate, still parents would never want that their children should be taught such literature in school which contains even hints of such language. According to Jones (2007), â€Å"There are 224 instances where obscene language has been used in the book, with a few occurrences being the "F-word."†To mention some scholars, Agee (1999) and Frangedis (1988) also talked about how objections from teachers, parents and administrators came regarding â€Å"language or sexual content†(Agee 1999: 61) in the book. Another reason that makes us say that The Catcher in the Rye should be banned is that it contains occurrences where mild violence is shown. For example, Holden is shown being punched and attacked a couple of times. There are two indications of suicidal attempts as well. At one occurrence, Holden is shown overhearing somebody who was talking about a person trying to commit suicide through taking aspirin. At another place, Holden is shown talking about a boy who had jumped out of the window as suicidal attempt. John Lennon’s assassination was an incident that further gave this book a bad reputation (Rosenthal 1999). His murderer, Chapman, had asked him to sign a copy of the novel on the morning when he was assassinated. When the police caught Chapman and accused him of the murder, a copy of the novel was found in his pocket. Although there was no clear evidence that it was the novel that had inspired Chapman to commit the crime, yet the implicit connection was enough to make people argue about banning the book. Parents and teachers have always been concerned and looking for answers regarding what effects violence in literature can imprint on young developi ng brains. The Catcher in the Rye arrives with concerns relating to anxiety, dejection, brutality and aggression that develop in young minds. Critics are of the view that children tend to have less-developed ability of decision-making or critical thinking so they cannot realize what is wrong with what they are reading and their minds learn or absorb every act they read. Now, we look at the opposing ideas and see why some people think that the novel should not be banned. Banning a book means banning freedom of expression. The
Thursday, October 31, 2019
TARP Report...Project Scope Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
TARP Report...Project Scope - Case Study Example As such, the paper addresses the issue of lack of diversity in the group with reference to its functional and cultural skills. Such are the key elements, which hinders the group from achieving success in terms of having diversified projects, as well as having the ability to appeal to people from other cultural backgrounds. The current demographic composition of the group depicts a gap, which needs filling so that the group is not limited to a given clientele. Thus, No Kurfew Entertainment will have the ability of attracting different artists from different cultural backgrounds. No Kurfew Entertainment group has music makers, visual artists, creative writers, photographic and videographic talents. However, these persons have other responsibilities in the group. Thus, it becomes impossible for the individuals to achieve a high level of specialization, which will contribute towards their achievement of success. Thus, the project is limited to providing solutions and recommendations on how No Kurfew Entertainment group can achieve internal diversity in terms of functional skill and talent. These will ensure that the group has the potential of penetrating the market of entertainment industry in a creative manner while sustaining a diverse culture. Such includes supporting the creativity culture, which results in the improvement of the production level of the group. The provided recommendations are for the No Kurfew Entertainment to consider without being coerced in any issue. This is because the primary focus is the provision of professional consultancy services on how No Kurfew Entertainment can fix its problem of cultural diversity. Nevertheless, the recommendations will contribute in ensuring that the group increases its clientele, promotes brand development, retains and recruits employees, improves the work performance of employees and the productivity level increases significantly. The provided recommendations do not
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Nuclear Energy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6000 words
Nuclear Energy - Essay Example Solar energy is the biggest source of energy. Electrical energy can be generated directly from solar energy by employing solar photo voltaic panels. Electrical energy can also be produced by focusing multiple beams of light at a point to generate electrical energy using the thermal energy produced by focused beams. Solar energy has the biggest potential among all the renewable sources of energy. A photo voltaic solar panel employs semiconductor material, which generate electricity when photons strike its surface. If there are solar panels on every home, the need of energy can be fulfilled (West 2011). A wind generator generates electrical power by utilizing aerodynamic energy of the wind and converting it to electrical energy. When wind strikes the turbine blazes of a wind generator, it runs the generator. An electrical power generator, if a permanent magnet type, rotates magnets around a coil in such a way, that the magnets cut the flux, thus generating electrical power. There a two common designs of a wind turbine horizontal axis wind turbine and vertical axis wind turbine. Both of the designs are enough efficient to generate electrical power even in a low wind conditions. Wind power holds the second biggest potential of energy. A hydro power plant captures the hydrodynamic energy of running water and utilized it to generate electrical power. Dams are constructed as reservoirs of water, where water is collected from rivers and streams but mostly rivers. That water run through a number of turbines to collect hydrodynamic energy from water and convert it to mechanical energy. The mechanical energy is then converted back to the electrical energy. There are many hydro power stations all over the world and they are being in use for over more than eighty years (Renewable Energy World .com 2011). Tidal energy generator converts tidal energy to electrical energy. A tidal generator works on the principle of high tide and low tide. It has the same mechanism as that of a horizontal axis wind turbine but in tidal energy generator, turbines are submerged under the water to collect the energy from the low or high tide. These types of generators can also be utilized to collect energy from running water as in the rivers, streams and other running water sources. Large tidal units can be placed at shores and at the rivers. Geothermal energy can be captured from geothermal grounds. This type of energy is basically a thermal energy and a geothermal power plant acts as a thermal power plant, where water is converted into steam which then runs the turbine to generate electrical power. Long pipes are bored into the earth where geothermal grounds are present. Water is passed through these pipes, where it is heated by the thermal energy from the ground and converted into steam (West 2011). There are several geothermal grounds in the world and energy can be generated by employing these geothermal plants. Biomass energy can be extracted from biomass or from organ ic waste. Biomass is gasified to produce a gas that can be burnt to generate electrical energy. These methods are not new, they are being utilized in many countries for many years. Biomass can be produced from raw wood, organic waste and other organic sources. Sometimes micro organisms are involved in the process to capture bio methane or bio gas from biomass. In this way the byproduct can be utilized as a fertilizer,
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Management By Objectives Business Essay
Management By Objectives Business Essay The management by objectives is the best way to get more out of an employee in any organization. It is the way of dealing the problems by defining prior objectives for each employee and then to compare and to direct their performance against the objectives which have been set for each of them individually. It helps in increasing the performance of the organization by matching organizational goals with the objectives of subordinates from top level to the bottom level in any company. In normal cases the employees are asked to find out their own objectives and then they are evaluated by their superiors and will be added any extra if they do not meet the requirements or deadlines which are already preset for project completion. MBO includes tracking of the continuous changes of the processes and providing feedback to reach the objectives. Term coined by Peter Drucker: Management by Objectives was first introduced by Peter Drucker in 1954 in the book written by him, The practice of Management. According to DruckerManagers follow two rules without their knowledge Rule 1: With active involvement in the current activities,Managers come under a trap namely activity trap to successfully complete those jobs. Rule 2: As they are continuously involving in current activity it is quite common that they will lose their vision on long term goal. One of the concepts of Management ByObjectives was that instead of just a few top-managers, all managers of a firm should participate in the strategic planning process, in order to improve the implementability of the plan. According to Peter Drucker all managers (which implies both top as well as middle level) should: participate in the strategic planning process, in order to improve the implementability and practicality of the plan, and implement a range of performance systems, designed inorderto help the organization stay on the right track. Another concept of Management by Objectives was, that managers should implement a range of performance systems, which are designed to help the organization to function well without any problems. Clearly, Management by Objectives can thus be seen as a predecessor of Value Based Management. MbO Main Principles Cascading of organizational goals and objectives, Specific objectives for each and every member, Participative decision making, Explicit time period, and Performance evaluation after an activity and provide feedback. The SMART Objectives: The SMART goal era of the 1980s and 1990s provided some helpful criteria about what makes goals more or less effective in shaping behavior. By definition, a goal that doesnt shape behavior is ineffective. The theory went on to suggest that SMART parameters were good predictors of influential or effective goals. As an example, goals that were not specific or measurable were less likely to shape behavior than those that were high in these characteristics. Using a play on words, you were smart to include these characteristics in your goal and objective definition. Management by Objectives has also introduced the SMART method for checking the validity of the objectives, which should be SMART: Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic, and Time-related One of the almost important impressions of SMART goals is that they are pointed; they have an edge, often a sense of energy created by the specificity, the time limits and the measurement. Non-SMART goals seem flat in comparison (ie. Improve productivity); bureaucratic, like one more strategic plan thats going nowhere. While the enhancement to goal definition was a helpful direction, it did not address fundamental weaknesses in this model. In the 90s, Peter Drucker put the significance of this organization management method into perspective, when he said: Its just another tool. It is not the great cure for management inefficiency Management by Objectives works if you know the objectives, but 90% of the time you dont. The MBO style is appropriate for knowledge-based enterprises when your staff is competent. It is appropriate in situations where you wish to build employees management and self-leadership skills and tap their entrepreneurial creativity, tacit knowledge and initiative.Management by Objectives (MBO) is also used by chief executives of multinational corporations (MNCs) for their country managers abroad. Famous innovation management policies: MBO followed at Intel A Managers Guide at Intel provides the following directions. Start with a few well-chosen overriding objectives. Set your subordinates objectives that fit in with your overriding objectives. Allow your subordinates to set their own key results to enable them to meet their objectives MBO followed at Microsoft By: Bill Gates, Founder of Microsoft Prevent the missions or objectives that are competing against each other. Review Mechanism The review mechanism enables leaders to measure the performance of their managers, in the key result areas: marketing; innovation; human organization; financial resources; productivity; social responsibility; and profit requirements All individuals within an organization are assigned a special set of objectives that they try to reach during a normal operating period. These objectives are mutually set and agreed upon by individuals and their managers. Performance reviews are conducted periodically to determine how close individuals are to attaining their objectives. Rewards are given to individuals on the basis of how close they come to reaching their goals. . Setbacks of Management by Objectives: 1. May lead to suboptimalization: which means people are not ready to look beyond their own objectives and help each other. 2. Innovation cannot be seen anywhere. 3. Involvement of the time and paperwork. 4. Potential misuse by superiors who simply assign the objectives rather than asking their opinion. 5. Subordinates may try to negotiate easy goals. 6. Watch out for unrealistic expectations about what can be reasonably accomplished. 7. Inflexible and rigid. Solution: The Scheduled Project Management Drawing upon the influence of MBO theory that is to set clear objectives, build an action plan, andmeasure progress and Demings work (optimize processes and products by identifying andpracticing listed best practices behaviors), emerged the project management movement. Ineffect saying, 1. Yes set clear objectives, and get key stakeholder buy-in and definition for the participantthrough explicit requirement setting 2. Yes, put together a series of best practices action steps in the form of a work breakdownstructure. 3. But, what primarily helps people achieve their objective, is the planning, securing,scheduled deployment of resources and the completion of tasks. Project management is an evolution of MBO theory. Management by Objectives (MBO) (All about the goal) In the 60s, 70s and 80s it seemed like a good thing to manage work efforts by goals, hence theterm management by objectives. The idea was to improve management and workproductivity in general by being more clear visioned about the intended outcomesMBO principals contained many precursors to the basic building blocks used by current projectmanagement tenants. The basic MBO principles include the following activities: 1. Establishing a set of top level strategic goals. 2. Creating a cascade of organizational goals that are supported by the lower level definitiveobjectives and action plans. 3. There should be participative decision making in developing an organizational role and mission statement, as well as specific objectives andaction plans for each member. 4. Establish key results and/or determined performance standards for each objective. 5. Periodical measurement and assessment of the status or outcome of the goals. The assumptive strength behind the MBO model, as commonly practiced, is the notion that if adesired outcome is defined as a goal and progress is measured towards reaching that goal, thenthe chances of reaching that outcome are enhanced. Mission Statements and MBO All organizations have their own mission statement or vision statement that tries to encapsulate the overall strategic management of their company. Such statements are designed to implicitly state the organizations objectives in the broader sense. Yet this often fails to capture the true meaning behind the meaning of mission. A mission is an objective that needs to be managed, i.e they are the short term goals to be achieved. Therefore it should be specific to elements that make up the whole; thus flexible, dynamic and responsive to both the internal and external environment. Each mission needs a main effort an overriding factor that underpins the purpose of the mission. This should be communicated to all those involved it is the desired outcome that must be achieved. Expressed in this manner the objectives are clear, unambiguous and the employees are told what needs to be achieved not how to achieve them; thus encouraging new methods of innovation, flair and problems solving. SUMMARY: Successful management consists of settingup the good objectives and making the rightchoices towards the fulfillment of those objectives. Thosewho fail these two basic tasks, fail asmanagers. Management by objective is ageneralized procedure which lends itselfwell to that portion of management capableof being systematic. The remainingportion of management which is not systematic cannot be followed easily either in theory or in practice.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Bats :: essays research papers
Bats Contents 1. Title Page Page... 1 2.     Contents                                   Page... 2 3.     Bat Facts Page... 3-4 4.     Congress Ave. Bridge Page... 5-6 5.     How To Get A Bat Out Of Your House Page... 6 6.     About Bat Houses                              Page... 7 7.     References                                   Page... 8+      My report is on bats. I will start my story off by telling you some facts about bats. Bat Facts 1. Did you know that the worlds smallest mammal is a Bumblebee bat that lives in Thailand. It weighs less than a penny! 2. Vampire bats adopt orphan pups (the name for a baby bat) and have been known to risk their lives to share food with the less fortunate. 3. The African Heart-Nosed bat can hear the footsteps of a beetle walking on sand from a distance of over six feet! 4. The giant Flying Fox bat from Indonesia has a wing span of six feet! 5. Disk-winged bats of Latin America have adhesive disks on both feet that enable them to live in unfurling banana leaves (or even walk up a window pane). 6. Nearly 1,000 kinds of bats account for almost a quarter of all mammal species, and most are highly beneficial. 7. Worldwide, bats are the most important natural enemies of night- flying insects! 8. A single brown bat can catch over 600 mosquitoes in just one hour! 9. Tropical bats are key elements in rain forest ecosystems which rely on them to pollinate flowers and disperse seeds for countless trees and shrubs. 10. Bat droppings in caves support whole ecosystems of unique organisms, including bacteria useful in detoxifying wastes, improving detergents, and producing gasohol and antibiotics. 11. More than 50% of American bat species are in severe decline or already listed as endangered. Losses are occurring at alarming rates worldwide. 12. All mammals can contract rabies; however, even the less than half of one percent of bats that do, normally bite only in self- defense and pose little threat to people who do not handle them. 13. An anticoagulant from Vampire bat saliva may soon be used to treat human heart patients. 14. Contrary to popular misconception, bats are not blind, do not become entangled in human hair, and seldom transmit disease to other animals or humans.      Well, enough with the facts. I think that should get you ready for the rest of my essay.      Austin, Texas Congress Ave. Bridge      A Bit Of History.......      When Engineers reconstructed downtown Austin's Congress Bridge in 1980, they had no idea that the new crevices beneath the bridge would make an ideal bat roost. Although bats had lived in Austin for years, it was headline news when they suddenly began moving by the thousands under the bridge.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
The perks of living in the 21st century
Society’s deranged. There is no way to put it lightly, because it is. Between the mind numbing reality shows about partying, to the 80-pound model on every magazine we pick up. These crazy things have distorted our minds and have become our society’s norm. 90% of women are unhappy with their bodies, and 95% of teen girls think they’re fat. Is there not something wrong with that? For years and years our lives have been run by unrealistic role models and distorted images of beauty, all resulting in mental health issues. When did thin become so in?And why is â€Å"perfect†the only beauty we see now? Musicians, Actors, Models, the celebrities, the people that us as individuals see everywhere, the people that are idolized similar to the way Christians worship God and Jesus Christ. We hail them, we praise them, and we envy them. Now what do most of them all have in common? Drop dead, gorgeous looks. They have it all, the money, fame, looks, love; the list is en dless. What do we have? Hope. The hopes of one day becoming just like them. Have you ever seen an ugly singer or actor? No. There isn’t any.Think of all the talented people out there that couldn’t make it big just because of one superficial fragment. â€Å"In Hollywood I’m obese. I’m considered a fat actress. †(-Jennifer Lawrence) This quote displays how Hollywood is at the core of this disturbing phenomenon. How having a curvy body results in being called obese. â€Å"Models should be thin, clothes just look better on people who are thin, certainly photograph better. †(-Calvin Klein) This quote is a representation of something that the fashion industry has harnessed for years, if you not thin, it’s simple; you’re not in.What is true beauty? Because growing up in my generation I only have one idea of it. The girls that are splashed across the magazines and the slender actresses in all the box office hits, growing up I was taug ht that that’s what you had to look like to be beautiful. Being skinny and having perfect face structure is all you need; it will bring you love, attention, and most of all, happiness. Growing up in a narcissistic generation has fueled minds to hurt and feel pain when they don’t meet the qualification and standards of today’s version of beauty.â€Å"Nothing tastes how skinny feels†(-Kate Moss) this quote is just overall sad, it represents how our society thinks, and overall how people today run their lives. Teen girls worship The Victoria Secret models; the exotic, tall, shockingly stunning women prance around in little to nothing every year for the annual Victoria Secret fashion show. Along with it comes the wave of Tweets of young girls pouring out there insecurities. â€Å"Why cant I look like the Victoria Secret models. †â€Å"This fashion show is literally making me want to kill myself.†â€Å"Can’t look at myself in the mirror ever again. †(-Tweets) This forces girls to cave into the pressure that society hands out on a golden platter. â€Å"As every girl with weight issues knows, the foolproof method of self-protection is to beat the crap out of yourself before someone else has the chance. †–(Los Angeles Times) Millions of people out there have issues with their appearance, young girls, young boys, grown men, grown women, the whole lot. The standards of beauty in our society are just too high for the majority of the population to reach.In result we beat the shit of out our self in sheer anger and shame. Each year the number of mental health illnesses increase. From eating disorders, depression, anxiety, etc. Eating disorders have increased by 400% since 1970. â€Å"Women today feel much worse about their body images than women several decades ago. †(-Los Angeles times) This quote is proof that this is a generational issue. We have distorted the true image of beauty and shove d in an unrealistic standard that no one can live up too.This â€Å"image†that society has created is destroying us, bit by bit. People are dying everyday from illnesses that chemically irrupt in the brain, and the overwhelming and horrific pressure put on by the media and society causes it. 35,000 girls suffer from anorexia each day, 1 in 10 Americans are clinically depressed, and Teenagers are committing suicide almost on a daily basis. These numbers are shocking and continue to grow as the generation and world moves forward.Each week the average person watches 31 hours of television, spends 10 hours online, and 4 hours looking through a magazine. This is the place where the media hits us hard. Where we are bombarded by the never-ending pursuits of perfection. Where beauty is taken to a whole new level and standard. â€Å"That’s sad. How plastic and artificial life has become. It’s getting harder and harder to find something real. Real love, real friends, re al body parts†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (-Jess C. Scott) We’re the narcissistic generation, the generation that paints on beauty instead of finding in within.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Music on the Bamboo Radio
How does Nicholas change and grow During the novel? â€Å"Music on the Bamboo Radio†is a historical fiction novel written by Martin Booth sets in the time of 1941 when the imperial Japanese Army invades Hong Kong. The main character of this novel, Nicholas Holford, a British boy who disguised as a Chinese and survived through the war, but on the way, he faced a lot of challenges and difficulties to his new life which transform Nicholas into a brave and mature young man.Nicholas changes and be more matures in many ways, one of Nicholas’s most obvious change that he demonstrated in this novel, is that he turned to be more independent and started to make his own decisions. He was a boy who relies on his parents a lot and rarely needs to make his own decisions. At the start of the novel, Nicholas’ parents were sent away to join and work in the war, which they left Nicholas alone with their servants, Tang, Ah Mee and Ah Kwan.Tang urged for Nicholas and the other serv ants to leave and hide from the Japanese Soldiers, but Nicholas refuses to leave and insists on waiting for his parents. â€Å"We must wait, when my parents get back. †(Page 4) He does not realize that refusing to leave will bring them into huge danger, he is also not brave and mature enough to make decisions. However, as the novel progressed, Nicholas became much more independent and starts making his own decisions. In Nicholas’ new life, he has to live with a Chinese family and help them to do housework which chores became his daily routine.Unfortunately, Tang was sick from a mosquito bite after selling fish in the market one day, and in order to same Tang’s life, Nicholas and Ah Mee has to risk a trip to Kowloon to take the medicine, Quinine, which is the only way to save Tang’s life. After the tough and difficult journey, they finally took the medicine they need, but on their was back home, Ah Mee becomes too exhausted and tired that she couldnâ€⠄¢t walk anymore. The time is ticking away, they must bring the medicine back home as soon as possible to save Tang’s life. â€Å"Nicholas knew there was nothing for it.Tang’s life depend on him now. â€Å" (Page 52) Nicholas ran back home with the Quinine, he decided to leave Ah Mee behind after serious and carful thoughts. â€Å" You’ll be safe here,’ Nicholas declared. ‘ The people will look after you while you sleep. †(Page 52) These show that Nicholas is now able to make good and thoughtful decisions. Unlike before, Nicholas thought carefully rather should or should not run back home and leave Ah Mee here, he is able to consider both sides and determine the importance on each side before making the decision, so he takes out his bravery and made this decision.In the middle of the novel, Major Fox, from the British Army Aid Group have been asked for the helps from Nicholas to deliver a package of a bottle of vaccine and a bar of gold. T his bottle of vaccine could save hundred of human lives, and this task could only be done by Nicholas. After thinking deeply, â€Å"When he had been considering going with Tai Lo Fu to destroy the†¦ his voice quite and resolute. â€Å"I’ll deliver it. ’ â€Å" (Page 109/110) Nicholas decided to help deliver the package.This mission is very risky and dangerous for Nicholas, he might get caught by the Japanese soldiers and possibly get killed by them, but Nicholas know that he could not rely on anyone this time, instead, he has to help others in need and make this decision himself. Making this decision also showed that Nicholas became very independent and he is able to make mature decisions. Another major change that Nicholas demonstrated in this novel, is that he protects and helps other in need and became considerate of others.Nicholas grown up in a wealthy family, he has a gardener, cook and servants. (Page 3/4) He doesn’t really need to do chores for h imself, regardless the fact that he wouldn’t even need to help and protect others. However, as Nicholas begins his new life, living in a Chinese Family. He starts to take his own responsibilities, and even helping his new family do chores and housework. (Page 26) Nicholas also shows his protection of others when he and Ah Mee went on the trip to get Quinine for Tang.Nicholas and Ah Mee walk past some Japanese soldiers And the prisoners on their way back home, but Ah Mee stumbled and dropped her bundle beside them, this caught the Japanese soldiers attention and they thought Ah Mee was trying to communicate with the prisoners, which caused the soldiers to shout and took out their rifles pointing at them, but Ah Mee was too wear to stand up. Nicholas suddenly thought of an idea, he thought that the Japanese will not understand Cantonese either, so he made up nonsense with Cantonese and imitates the Chinese accent, trying to protect and change the Japanese soldier’s focus . Page 49/50) Although Nicholas did to succeed at the end and was saved by Ah Kwan, he had tried his best to protect Ah Mee in times of danger. Nicholas also became a lot wiser and smarter, and also became much more trustworthy. At the beginning of this novel, Nicholas saw two Japanese soldiers in less than seventy meters from him. â€Å" He wanted to scream, jump up, shout out, it’s alright. It’s only me. Don’t shoot. I’m only eleven. â€Å" (Page 3) Nicholas didn’t realize that doing that will only cause more attention from the Japanese soldiers and caused them to kill him straight away.The right thing he should so, is quietly leave without causing any attention and hide. However, Nicholas changed as he faces more challenges. When Nicholas went on a trip with Ah Kwan and Tai Lo Fu, he met a few Japanese soldiers walking past him, again, but he reacted wisely. Although he was very afraid and scared, he stayed quiet and still, not causing any att ention, (Page 65) This incident showed that Nicholas became much more wise and smart, knowing how to keep himself safe in times of danger and also learning from his mistakes.Before Nicholas went on this trip with Ah Kwan and Tai Lo Fu, he has to keep a secret first. The purpose of this trip, is for Nicholas to do a huge favor for the East River Column Army, which fight against the Japanese secretly. The army wanted Nicholas to translate a english note from the British for them, but if the Japanese find out about this Army, they will kill all of them immediately. So Nicholas has to keep this great secret and help finish this mission without letting anyone know. â€Å"Nicholas nodded. Any sense of flattery evaporated. (Page 61) As the novel progress and Nicholas went on his mission, we can see that Nicholas kept his promise and the secret only to himself. This showed that Nicholas is not a wise and trustworthy young man. Through this war, Nicholas changed dramatically in many ways, b oth mentally and physically. He faced many difficulties and tough challenges, but it’s only these challenges that can transform Nicholas into a mature young man. Nicholas also surprised and amazes me because of his significant change and transformation and he also sets a great example for us to learn and experience from.
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