Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Mythology of the Vampire VSs Interview with the Vampire essays
Mythology of the Vampire VS's Interview with the Vampire essays Vampires have always been a major concept in literature, mythology, and legend. Vampires may possibly be one of the most notorious, and romanticized monsters in fiction. Throughout the history of vampires, the mythology of their powers, limitations, and ways they are created have changed with each culture, movie or piece of literature that has adopted them. In the movie Interview with the Vampire a new set of vampire mythology is cunningly created based on the use of, and the rejection of previous mythology. The movie is based on the first book of Anne Rices Vampire Chronicles which was published in 1976.The movie begins in 1791 as the vampire Lestat finds a young man named Louis in a pub. Louis has lost his wife and daughter and has nothing else to live for when Lestat offers him eternal life and everlasting youth. Louis agrees to be with Lestat because anything has to be better than the life he lives now. Louis soon finds out however, that the vampire life is not for him. Lestat very much enjoys taking lives and feeding on other people. Louis does not enjoy the killing and therefore starts feeding on the blood of rats and other animals to stay alive. Then when Lestat creates a new fledgling Claudia, he gets more than he bargained for. Claudia kills lestat, and her and louis set off for an adventure to find other vampires, so they can learn what they are, and why they exist. In most of vampire mythology, a vampire is created when a vampire feeds upon a victim. The victim dies and then rises from the dead as a newborn vampire. The myth has been around for quite a while, certainly in ancient Greek and Rome, and ranging from Assyria to India to Malaya. The legends are diverse, though all involve humans returning from the dead, needing fresh blood to survive. (Konstaninos 5) In this movie vampires are created in a much more elaborate manner. Vampires can feed on victims even to the point of death and not create a new ...
Friday, November 22, 2019
How to Express Exclamations in French
How to Express Exclamations in French Exclamations are words or phrases that express a desire, an order, or a strong emotion. There are various French grammatical structures that can be used as true exclamations. All of them end in an exclamation point, and there is always a space between the last word and the exclamation mark, as there is for several other French punctuation marks. The exclamation mark is a grammatical end mark that occurs often in French, whether the sentence or phrase is a true exclamation or not. It is, thus, in many instances a softer mark than in English. Exclamation points are often added even if speakers are just a little agitated or are raising their voice even slightly; the mark doesnt have to mean that they are truly exclaiming or declaring something. By the way, Merriam-Webster defines an exclamation as: a sharp or sudden utterancea vehement expression of protest or complaint And Larousse defines the French equivalent verb sexclamer, as to cry out; for example, sexclamer sur la beautà © de quelque chose (to cry out in admiration over the beauty of something). Here are some French grammatical structures that can be used to express exclamations where urgency or a heightened emotional state is implicit. French Imperative The imperative expresses an order, hope, or wish, as in: Viens avec nous.  Come with us. The imperative can also express urgency or an extreme emotional state, as in: Aidez-moi !  Help me! Que + Subjunctive Que followed by the subjunctive creates a third person command or wish: Quelle finisse avant midi !  I hope shes done by noon!Quil me laisse tranquille !  I wish hed just leave me alone! Exclamative Adjective The exclamative adjective quel is used to emphasize nouns, as in: Quelle bonne idà ©e !  What a good idea!Quel dà ©sastre !  What a disaster!Quelle loyautà © il a montrà ©e !  What loyalty he showed! Exclamative Adverbs Exclamative adverbs like que or comme add emphasis to statements, as in: Que cest dà ©licieux !  Its so delicious!Comme il est beau !  He is so handsome!Quest-ce quelle est mignonne!  She sure is cute! The Conjunction Mais The conjunction mais (but) can be used to emphasize a word, phrase, or statement, like this: Tu viens avec nous ?  Are you coming with us?Mais oui !  Why yes!Il veut nous aider.  He wants to help us.Mais bien sà »r !  But of course!Mais je te jure que cest vrai !  But I swear its true! Interjections Just about any French word can be an exclamation if it stands alone as an interjection, such as : Voleur !  Thief!Silence !  Quiet! Quoi and comment, when used as interjections, express shock and disbelief, as in: Quoi ! Tu as laissà © tomber cent euros ?  What! You dropped a hundred euros?Comment ! Il a perdu son emploi ?  What! He lost his job? Indirect Exclamations All of the above are called direct exclamations because the speaker is exclaiming his or her feelings of shock, disbelief, or amazement. Indirect exclamations, in which the speaker is explaining rather than exclaiming, differ from direct exclamations in three ways: They occur in sub-clauses, do not have an exclamation point, and require the same grammatical changes as indirect speech: Quelle loyautà © il a montrà ©e ! Je sais quelle loyautà © il a montrà ©e.What loyalty he showed! I know what loyalty he showed.Comme cest dà ©licieux ! Jai dit comme cà ©tait dà ©licieux.Its delicious! I said it was delicious. In addition, the exclamative adverbs que, ce que, and quest-ce que in direct exclamations always change to comme or combien in indirect exclamations: Quest-ce cest joli ! Il a dit comme cà ©tait joli.Its so pretty! He said how pretty it was.Que dargent tu as gaspillà ©Ã‚ ! Je sais combien dargent tu as gaspillà ©.Youve wasted so much money! I know how much money youve wasted.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Use of quantative methods for a healthcare organization when launching Essay
Use of quantative methods for a healthcare organization when launching a first of its kind medical device - Essay Example These technologies use molecular diagnostics, diagnostic imaging technologies and revolutionary telecommunication to serve their clients and have a wider reach. Similarly a disruptive innovation is one which brings to market the products and services that are much more affordable, and also keeping the quality levels intact and may be higher. It exceeds the expectation of the market in terms of cost effectiveness or being designed for a different set of customers. Disruptive innovations are now the key to ushering of affordable and competent healthcare. For example, a health care disruptive innovation was the one which disrupted retail pharmacies. In addition the potential drugs discovered to lower cholesterol are considered as the disrupted technologies and innovation to replace the frequency of angioplastic surgeries which itself was a disruptive technology to open heart surgery. The Zenith Hospital wanted to use a disruptive technology due to the some facts studied by the management survey. The survey was based on statistical models which gave a direction for the implementation of the disruptive technology. The focus of the hospital was to increase the patient turnover and profitability by reaching to the unattended patient population. Methodology Data collection of the patient turnover in the hospital was considered for the previous two years. This was compared by statistical analysis to find out the difference in patient turnover and statistical tests of significance were implemented. Data collection done from a competitive hospital of a similar profile to understand the position Feedback questionnaire was formulated to find out the reasons and preferences for selecting the hospital services. This was represented as a pie chart to analyze the major reasons of satisfaction or dissatisfaction of the factors causing usage of hospital services. The correlation coefficient will then be found out with the various factors that is positively related with the positive turnovers and the factors related with the negative turnover of the patients. Usage of ordinary least squares regression to be done to find out the weighted significance of all the factors which contribute to the positivity and negativity of the patient turnover in the hospital. A cost benefit analysis was done to estimate the return on investment for the AKA disruptive technology to be implemented and the feasibility of such project Results 1. Patient turnover in the Zenith Hospital in 2011(1) and 2012(2) in earlier 2 years. (p0.01) 3. The factors leading to dissatisfaction for reduced turnover of the patients 4. The correlation coefficients calculated with turnover were -0.7 with waiting time, +0.123 with Competency of hospital staff, +0.003 with cost effectivity and +0.21 with care giving. Significant correlation coefficients were related to waiting time and care giving(p
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Social Activism and Taiwan Sunflower Movement Essay - 4
Social Activism and Taiwan Sunflower Movement - Essay Example The movement also served to advance Taiwan democracy by allowing the country’s citizen to decide on issues affecting them. The movement revitalized the civil society of Taiwan and renewed the hope of Taiwan nationalities that had lost their hope. In addition, it united other Activists to a common cause who previously fought each other. Another indication of success was the fact that the sunflower movement became the primary focus of various international academic conferences. The issue of the protest kept on recurring in a number of activism discussion. It was argued that it effects would likely outlive its presence in the mainstream media (â€Å"Was Taiwan's Sunflower Movement Successful?†). Student protesters who incited the masses to occupy the Taiwan legislature led the movement. In addition, 54 civic groups and a number of Non-Governmental Organization took part in the protest Thousands of Taiwanese showed their support and, as a result, it made headlines in the major news outlet. The movement was nothing like the Arab spring or other regime change movement. The students did not demand a regime change; they only asked the politicians to respect the public opinion. The public was against the government efforts to increase the ties with China. The movement was characterized by ideological speeches from various student leaders. The movement was named a sunflower movement by the Taiwanese media. The sun symbolizes people’s hopes for brighter days devoid of China economic influence in Taiwan. The tolerance showed by the Taiwanese police towards the protest was commendable as long as it remained a peaceful protest. The social media and the international media were a buzz with the activities of the protest. Songs, banners, vigils, and protest also characterized the Sunflower movement. The student protestors marched through the streets carrying banners and chanting Occupy Parliament. Following the student occupation of the Taiwan parliament, riot police evicted them out forcefully.Â
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Three heads are better than one Essay Example for Free
Three heads are better than one Essay Three Heads are Better Than One: Response Robert J. Trotter, in this article on intelligence tests, focuses on the recent work of Sternberg (an IBM Professor of Psychology and Education at Yale University). Sternberg recalls at the beginning how his test scores on standardized tests were terrible as a child in the fifth grade because he was always nervous and ended up freaking out mid test. This continued until one year he had to retake a test with the grade below him where he noticed he was not near as nervous because he was around babies. This strange occurrence in his life lead Sternberg to study Psychology and attend Princeton for his graduate degree. He focused mainly on IQ tests and how IQ directly can influence peoples ability to decide how successful or unsuccessful someone can be at a certain occupation. While he was working as at Yale University he noticed how the graduate students that applied with exemplary grades, test scores, recommendations and accommodations were fought over by the Ivy League schools. Yet these same students would graduate statistically lower than their test scores and undergraduate grades would assume. Secondly, he noticed that tudents with quite low-test scores and grades, for Yale, with great recommendations when given a chance would succeed with flying colors. Finally a third group with mediocre test scores recommendations and grades managed to have great Job placement opportunities. These case studies lead to his creation of the Triarchic Theory of intelligence. Sternberg hypothesized that there are three types of intelligence each with an important role in academic studies and in the work force. Componential intelligence revolves around analytical thinking and is great for test taking and undergraduate studies. Experiential intelligence surrounds around using your experiences to think creatively. Lastly, contextual intelligence is the ability to be able to recognize the world around you and how to come out on top in any situation. The most interesting part of this article was that it stated as Sternberg was conducting his study and asking both psychologists and Fortune 500 executives if they felt prepared for their Jobs from college and graduate school, they almost all answered that graduate school did not prepare them well at all. Today in Society College is not an option for people who want to get high paying Jobs later in life. Although they were only looking at people who had IQs between 110 and 150, the differences in IQ scores had almost no effect on the performance or the merit based promotions an individual received. Intelligence will never take the place of creativity in graduate school, or real life Job environments. Sternberg argues There are three ways to be smart but ultimately what you want to do is take the components, apply them to your experience, and use them to adapt to and shape your environment. The origin of basic intelligence testing as argued by Richard J. Gerig was originally ypothesized by Plato as he stated in the Republic no two people are born exactly alike; but each differs from one and other in natural endowments, one being suited for one occupation and one for another. The next important researcher for the creation of intelligence testing was Francis Galton in England. Galton ha d a Darwin was his cousin. Galton tested over 10,000 different people at the 1884 London Exposition based on reaction time, sensory acuity, physical strength, and body proportions. His test however did not lead to any correlated answers and he was left ith almost no understanding of intelligence. Although he failed, he did however leave us with a good idea of hereditary intelligence as he hypothesized that genius was transferred through generations. The modern analytical based testing for intelligence was started by Alfred Binet at the turn of the twentieth century in France. Binet started these tests to give schools a way to know if a student had mental deficiencies at a young age in order for students with special needs to receive help.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
The Zone Diet Essay -- Health Nutrition Weight Loss
It seems like everywhere you look there is some new diet plan making miraculous promises of weight loss through pills, plans, and formulas. The zone diet is no exception. The zone diet was developed by Dr. Barry Sears in his book," Enter the Zone" which was on the bestseller lists for weeks. The zone promises high energy, weight loss, and no hunger to those willing to follow the simple set of zone rules. It sounds great you say, but does it really work? What is the Zone? The "zone" was first referred to by athletes as a period of maximum performance and energy levels. When things are clicking and every part of our body is working at its best, we say we are "in the zone." When we fall short we experience a loss of performance, more illness, and feel moody and restless. The zone diet helps individuals to stay in the zone, not just trying to hit or miss. Instead of experiencing periodic energy highs and lows, it regulates levels throughout the day, putting the body in a metabolic state of peak efficiency. Much of this energy regulation is controlled by eicosanoids (http://www.coolrunning.com/sponsor/thezone/zone.htm#eicos). These are some of the most important chemical messengers in the body. However, since they perform their cell-to-cell communications very rapidly and in very small concentrations, they have often been overlooked by many researchers. Eicosanoids are completely derived from dietary fat. In addition, they have opposing physiological functions, which can be either good or bad. The good eicosanoids accelerate the use of stored body fat, whereas the bad do the opposite. These levels of eicosanoids can be controlled by what we eat at each meal. For example, high levels of carbohydrates decrease the produ... ...er 4. Gray, J., and Martinovic, A. (I 994). Eicosanoids and essential fatty acid modulation in chronic disease and the chronic fatigue syndrome, Medical Hypotheses, 43(l): 31-42. Harvey, J., Wing, R.,& Mullen, M. (I 993). Effects on food cravings of a very low calorie diet or a balanced, low calorie diet. Appetite, 21(2): 105-15. Kurilla, Michael G. (I 996). Protein Requirements in Humans. Intemet Librwy Shah, M., McGovern, P., French, S. & Baxter J. (1994). Comparison of a low-fat, ad libitum complex-carbohydrate diet with a low-energy diet in moderately obese women. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 59(5): 980-4. Suchner, U., and Senftleben, U. (1994). h=une modulation by polyunsaturated fatty acids during nutritional therapy: interactions with synthesis and effects of eicosanoids. Infusionstherapie und Transfusionsmedzin, 21(3): 167-82.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Global Warming Essay
Every day we go about our own business. Many of us never take the time to look around and see how we are affecting our earth’s atmosphere. Everywhere you look today you are bound to see some factory or machinery polluting our air. Just think how many times you have seen those large semi trucks or big fossil fuel factories emitting thick dark smoke into the atmosphere. We need to come to reality and realize that all that polluting we have been doing over the last half-century is finally catching up to us. It is very easy to detect through scientific research that our earth’s climate is changing, Time magazine reports in its 2004 issue that the earth’s average temperature is increasing at a steady rate. Yes, we all have heard the term â€Å"global warming†, however many people don’t know in depth what global warming is, or how our actions will affect our earth if we don’t respond to the issue. If we can educate ourselves on what global warming is and how it will affect us in the near and far future, we can then begin to change our old habits of polluting and create new habits and goals to living in a much healthier and cleaner environment. During the earliest times, the life-styles of our ancestors were very simple. The air they breathed was clean. The streams were clear and free of harmful organisms. They used natural fertilizers for their agricultural crops. The surroundings were free of household throwaways. Today, there has been a tremendous growth in science and technology. Such advances have brought about changes in terms of new products, improved equipment, and more effective methodologies. Unfortunately, this same technology which made life easier for us produced wastes which are now affecting the quality of our surrounding air, water, and land. Factories and motor vehicles send tons of pollutants into our air. Excessive air pollution poses a danger to our health and environment. It can likewise cause stunted growth and even death to our plants. Out streams are polluted by discharges from industrial plants that use chemicals. Garbage and sink wastes are carelessly thrown in our surroundings. Synthetic fertilizers and insecticides pollute our land and farm products. At the same time, the burning of fossil fuels, particularly coal and oil, produces sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides which are hazardous to the atmosphere. Findings show that a single smokestack may produce as much as 500 tons of sulfur dioxide a day. When these gases combine with oxygen and moisture, sulfuric acid and nitric acid is formed. The rain will carry the acids to the ground (acid rain) which may cause the depletion of calcium and magnesium in the soil, elements needed by plants for the formation of chlorophyll and wood, or it may cause the release of aluminum in the soil, which are poisonous and can kill the roots of trees. How can we take care of our environment? We must undertake measures to preserve our resources and minimize utilization of energy before it’s too late. Our fight against pollution is an initial step toward conserving our environmental resources and energy. We must all join hands for this common goal. Furthermore, of all issues affecting humanity, climate change is the most pervasive and truly global, posing a very real and serious threat to our environment. Climate change is the alteration of the pattern of global climate that may be due to human activity that alters the composition of the atmosphere.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
African American in 19th Century Essay
The Civil war after effects; set the scene for what would become a long road of discovery, hardship, violence, and freedom however, during this process of transition the American people went through emotional as well economical changes which added additional stress to an already stressed nation where many groups became fearful and were subjected to racism which crossed over the boundary of liberty and Justice for all. Equality had become an endangered liberty guaranteed by a country build upon democracy, regrettably the African American people were not the only ones to suffer many vast groups faced hard days in America at the turn of the century several violent attacks were specifically carried out on the African American men and women even though, the civil war brought a lot of changes it produced little or no results for African American men; however, it did bring harsher persecution all over the country, whereas mass numbers of black men were lynched in the lower southern states in a show of defiance. â€Å"The Emancipation Act†did nothing for the white man but still provided less for the African black man who were still unable to vote in addition to having descent jobs with adequate pay many were forced back to the farm as sharecropper’s despite the set backs they percervered through the racial remarks and slanders. Black men and women were segragated from the start and separate waiting rooms bathrooms and dinning facilities openly poject the sentiments of the American people of the era,within the State of Mississippi; In Plessy vs. Ferguson (1896), The Supreme Court reinforced that â€Å"Blacks and Whites should be separate, but equal. †The statement SEPERATE but EQUAL! thosewords only produced Segregation on a bias legal system of fairness and equality in which a country struggling already became the fuel on a fire already burning and would later divided the country in later years sparking new violence and refocused hatred. More over the Men and women of that time were forced to swear on separate bibles, they couldn’t vote in the election in the country in which they were guaranteed equal rights because they were under disfranchisement, and the racism was developing more and more is some southern locations, for an example many southern states legislated that if your grandfather had cast a ballot then you are allowed to vote and this law supported that nearly all southern white mean were permitted to vote and excluded all African Americans in most situations men whose grandparents had most likely been slaves never voted. Booker T. Washington’s submitted a lot for the African Americans in turn of the century, after his famous speech in Atlanta 1895 (Atlanta Compromise) in about one year the African Americans got more rights, they began to use separated but equal facilities, it was stupid to say the least but it provided a line of truths temporarily and unfourantely included racist ideas inside but it was better than it had been before. Booker T. Washington’s met the American president Theodore Roosevelt at the white house in 1901 and that was a good step towards get the African American and their rights another great pioneer of that time was Du Boise who supported the right for equality and the strive to have equal opportunities within society however Booker T. Washington’s did a lot more for the African American rights, Washington became the Founder of the Niagara movement in 1905. †In 1909 the Niagara movement efforts led to foundation of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) which now is the enforcing representation of the African American whereas Booker T. Washington’s inspiration became a door way to freedom and allowed the African American man to have a voice in society. Finally, if I was African American living at that time, I will say that Booker T. Washington’s and Du Bois were the best representatives of the African Americans all over the country, and Booker T. Washington’s started the movement of the African Americans civil rights, while Du Bois came later to continue and support his efforts, they were great team and deserve the respect.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Problem Analysis essays
Problem Analysis essays Our learning has decided to tackle an issue/problem at Tobey Mains place of employment, Talk America. Talk America is a local and long distance phone company that manages 98% of their net adds in-house on a yearly basis. The way the company grows its customer base in other words, is primarily supported by their outbound telemarketing and inbound telemarketing and Online sales efforts. The problem that we will be discussing is the impact employee turnover has on its business model and financial forecast provided to Wall-Street. On a monthly basis Talk America continually focuses on ways to stimulate employee commitment and retention, however, the nature of the telemarketing business is stressful. Dealing with rejection day in and day out can take its toll on any employee. The limited control an employee has on phone sales is easily recognized. The triggering effect that drive us to really dig into this problem comes from the lack of performance in the call centers over the past 2 months, which has triggered an even larger % of employee attrition. On a monthly basis the company can range anywhere from 35-60% attrition and over the past 2 months it has been on the higher side of that range. A key driver for the lack of performance and turnover revolves around the mix of states the company is currently marketing, which can change drastically month over month. If employees dial into a highly competitive state and performance is at its highest level than turnover goes to the lower side of the 25%-60% range. Critical thinking by all members of the organizations management team is crucial, and we are confident that our presentation will uncover some critical paths to success in conquering this problem. Thinking outside of the box for various ways to improve moral, appreciation and employee commitment is what our paper and presentation will focus on. The problem with employee attrition is something t...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
5 things you need to remove from your resume and CV...now!
5 things you need to remove from your resume and CV...now! When writing your CV, your main goal should be to sell yourself. Why should this particular company pick you for the job? You should be highlighting significant aspects of your experience, and skills that prove you’re qualified to the job sector you’re applying to. Engaging a recruiter by using a clear structure that highlights your marketable skills is always the best way to approach the job seeker process. However, many candidates are adding unnecessary and overused elements that are diverting from the substance of their CV, and ruining their chances of success.Here are 5 things you need to remove from your CV if you want to the job.Clichà © phrasesPhrases like â€Å"I’m a perfectionist†or â€Å"I give 110%†are overused in resumes and CVs. These are bland statements that a recruiter has read hundreds of times before. Don’t blend into the crowd by using clichà ©s that don’t tell employers anything factual about you.Instead be spec ific in your detail by including industry-specific skills, market knowledge, IT proficiency, and real measurable achievements. Avoid buzzwords that are worn-out and unoriginal. Focus on what makes you and your experiences relevant and unique.LiesBending the truth might seem like an easy option to boost your CV but lies should be avoided at all costs. It will become obvious to a recruiter you have told white lies when you’re unable to back up your claims at an interview, and if found out during the recruitment process, you could find yourself removed from the shortlist.Avoid risking your opportunity by lying. If you don’t tick all the boxes required for a role, talk about how you could enhance this position with your transferable skills and unique experiences.Big paragraphsLarge paragraphs and big blocks of text are difficult to read and can result in a recruiter becoming bored as they scan for relevant information.Structure your CV in a way that breaks up the text, hig hlighting particular sections using bold headers and bullet points. Entice the recruiter to read further by presenting your marketable skills at first glance, rather than hiding significant detail in between other information.Don’t bury the lede, let them know right from the start that you’ll be an asset to their company.Structuring your CV correctly will facilitate the ease of reading and ensure more of the information is digested.Grammar and spelling errorsSpelling and grammar errors come across as a lack of attention to detail to a recruiter, and can even divert their attention away from the actual content of your CV.You can’t rely solely on spell checker so always double check before submitting your application and even get a third party to review on your behalf to avoid any huge mistakes.Typos can break the flow of information, leading to crucial details being lost.Logos and imagesImagery isn’t necessary for a CV. While images do catch a recruiterâ⠂¬â„¢s eye, it’s to the detriment of your CV.Profile pictures are never required in a resume as the decision of your suitability for a role should never be based on your looks. Avoid adding them at all costs. Also, any company or educational institute logos shouldn’t be incorporated. You have a limited amount of CV real estate so don’t waste this precious space on unnecessary features.Andrew Fennell is an experienced recruiter and founder of CV advice center StandOut CV. He is a regular contributor to sites such as CV Library, The Guardian, and Business Insider.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
The Catcher in the Rye Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
The Catcher in the Rye - Essay Example Antolini. Holden alluded about being in a mental hospital. The whole novel revolves around rebellion, alienation and aggression in youth. This is why this book has been one of the most challenged books in all times. This paper discusses opposing ideas on whether the Catcher in the Rye should be banned in schools. Critics state that the narration includes offensive style, inappropriate language and sexual content at many places (Whitfield 1997). Despite the fact that the sexual content is not very explicit, still parents and critics support the fact that the book should be banned. The writer shows Holden thinking, talking and imagining about sex. These imaginations are a part of typical physical development of a teenager; still, it is inappropriate to teach such concepts in schools and relating them with such a sensitive phase as teenage so explicitly. Graham (2007: xi) states that â€Å"the novel was condemned by some readers for its use of expletives and for presenting as a hero an adolescent who drinks, smokes and engages a prostitute†, and parents think that children should not be taught that such concepts are an integral part of teenage. The sexual content accompanies obscene and offensive language. Again, despite the fact that the obscene language is very moderate, still parents would never want that their children should be taught such literature in school which contains even hints of such language. According to Jones (2007), â€Å"There are 224 instances where obscene language has been used in the book, with a few occurrences being the "F-word."†To mention some scholars, Agee (1999) and Frangedis (1988) also talked about how objections from teachers, parents and administrators came regarding â€Å"language or sexual content†(Agee 1999: 61) in the book. Another reason that makes us say that The Catcher in the Rye should be banned is that it contains occurrences where mild violence is shown. For example, Holden is shown being punched and attacked a couple of times. There are two indications of suicidal attempts as well. At one occurrence, Holden is shown overhearing somebody who was talking about a person trying to commit suicide through taking aspirin. At another place, Holden is shown talking about a boy who had jumped out of the window as suicidal attempt. John Lennon’s assassination was an incident that further gave this book a bad reputation (Rosenthal 1999). His murderer, Chapman, had asked him to sign a copy of the novel on the morning when he was assassinated. When the police caught Chapman and accused him of the murder, a copy of the novel was found in his pocket. Although there was no clear evidence that it was the novel that had inspired Chapman to commit the crime, yet the implicit connection was enough to make people argue about banning the book. Parents and teachers have always been concerned and looking for answers regarding what effects violence in literature can imprint on young developi ng brains. The Catcher in the Rye arrives with concerns relating to anxiety, dejection, brutality and aggression that develop in young minds. Critics are of the view that children tend to have less-developed ability of decision-making or critical thinking so they cannot realize what is wrong with what they are reading and their minds learn or absorb every act they read. Now, we look at the opposing ideas and see why some people think that the novel should not be banned. Banning a book means banning freedom of expression. The
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