Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Education Is The Real Importance Of Education - 1562 Words
Growing up as a child, I never really understood the real importance of education, whether it was because of my ignorance as a child or because I needed to realize on my own just how important education is for me. All I knew that it was important, like brushing your teeth every day and showering. I knew it was a place that I had to go every day to get smart and as I got older I slowly started to learn education was important if I wanted to have a career. Depending on the person he or she will find their own interpretation of what education is and there is no specific age an individual figures out their own special meaning. When the topic of education is brought up to me, I now have realized not only the obvious statement of how important†¦show more content†¦As a child, I was never at the top of the class, but I was not at the bottom. I was an average student, my issue is that I was very lazy and did not practice the skills I was being taught consistently. I had the ability to pick things up very fast, but I never used that skill to my advantage. I would never reach the next step of whatever was taught because I did not practice at home; I did the bare minimum, which was simply doing the homework, thus I was never the top student and cheated myself from gaining more knowledge. The problem with me was that school was not so appealing to me, I enjoyed some of the fun, learning activities that my teachers would do once in a while, but the problem was they did not have the sufficient time to always conduct fun activities that some students need in order for them to stay engaged and it did not help that I m a boy and love to play sports and was only looking forward to recess and PE because I was able to play. Even with that, I was able to come away with slightly above average grades throughout elementary. When I attended middle school, I started to take school slightly more seriously, my motivation, unfortunately, because I had figured out what education me ant to me, but simply because my parents said I needed to have good grades in order to play basketball for the school. The GPA requirement for the school was 2.0, which I explained to myShow MoreRelatedInâ€Å"Are Too Many People Going To College?†, The Author,1239 Words  | 5 Pagesundergraduate degree, diminishes the importance of a college B.A., and claims that more people should consider providing goods and services rather than pursuing more advanced careers. He begins by outlining the importance of â€Å"core knowledge†being taught at a younger age in order to provide students with â€Å"cultural literacy†in American history and literature. After addressing a basis of education, he continues to discuss the importance of a liberal arts education over a â€Å"brick-and-mortar campus†. InRead MoreLessons From The Assembly Line By Andrew Braaksma890 Words  | 4 Pagesarticle named â€Å"Some Lessons from the Assembly Line†by Andrew Braa ksma throws light on the importance of higher education by illustrating his real life experiences from his summer internship in a factory where he worked as a blue collar employee and learned that blue collar job has lots of disadvantages and is uncertain although it pays well. To reiterate, the author has emphasized on the importance of higher education and how his summer internship as a blue collar employee taught him various valuable lessonsRead MoreEssay on Comparing the Republic to the Modern Society831 Words  | 4 Pagesworld today. One of the most important things that Plato stresses is the importance of education. Without education of the masses, democracy would cease to exist. When Plato was forming his ideal society, he stressed the importance of education for several reasons. Most importantly, educating citizens led to a peaceful, well-run republic. For Plato, education was not about information intake and data storage. Rather, education was drawing out the knowledge that was already in the student. He said thatRead MoreWorking Experience Is More Important Than Education1442 Words  | 6 PagesWorking Experience is More Important than Education Its been a question that society has debated for a long time. Does education or work experience provide the most benefits and therefore hold more importance for children and society as a whole? Many people believe that its the most important for children to spend time becoming highly educated so that they can obtain great jobs. Others believe that children and adults should gain work experience instead because this will lead to better jobs. BothRead MorePlato Education Reform Essay1574 Words  | 7 Pagesthat â€Å"education is the craft concerned with..turning around and with how the soul can most easily and effectively be made to do it†(Plato 190). In this paper, I will propose Plato’s reform for the American education system through analyzing his account of education, the nature and different kinds of education using the allegory of the cave, its correlation to kallipolis, the nature of the soul, and his metaphysical theory of forms. I shall argue that Plato woul d propose the American education systemRead MoreEducation And Liberal Arts Education1253 Words  | 6 PagesA study in general education (liberal arts) affects different aspects of my development both physically and mentally. A liberal arts education has shaped the form I conceive and return over individual circumstances. After attending class and reading all the benefits of a liberal arts education it has shaped the direction I held regarding a Liberal Arts education. A liberal arts education has shifted the way I study and the process I go about completing my school work. Furthermore, from the mannerRead MoreIdealism And Its Impact On Education1668 Words  | 7 Pagesphilosophy thrives on logical thinking, a liberal education approach with consequently focusing on theory first ,practice later. The constant effort plus strive that students must accomplish to achieve perfection in reading, writing, speaking and listening is the reason why idealism is paradoxical. Idealism do es not take into consideration the constantly changing variables that occur. When I took the self-evaluation reflection of my philosophy of education survey, the progressivism score was a scoreRead MoreEducation Plays An Important Role In Sh1412 Words  | 6 Pagesï » ¿Education plays an important role in shaping an individual’s career. The level of education helps people to earn recognition and respect in the society. Undoubtedly education is both socially personally an indispensible part of human life. However the inequalities in the standards of education are still a major issue that needs to be solved as early as it could be. The importance of education is our life cannot be ignored at any cost. Education is the only way to get knowledge. For instance, youRead MoreThe Education Of Children By Michel De Montaigne1081 Words  | 5 PagesToday’s education is largely based on memorization and conforming students to not have their own thoughts. However in Michel de Montaigne’s ideas On the Education of Children, he critiques the way the education system is today. Montaigne argues that children should apply their education to their own life, rather than memorization and reciting the information. Montaigne’s ideal of education of children guides today’s education at all two levels by using his idea of application rather than memorizationRead MoreAnnotated Bibliography Ni Technology Education781 Words  | 4 PagesAnnotated Bibliography: Trends in Technology Education by Sacha Richards October 14, 2016 Originality Score: Three trends I have noticed in the Education realm of Technology are Project Based Learning, Data Informed Decisions and World-Class Standards and Personalized Professional Development. In defining Project Based Learning, this occurs where students are involved in identifying and solving a problem in and out of the classroom. Data Informed Decisions occurs where data is used to drive curriculum-based
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
The Battle Of The Wilderness - 2537 Words
The Battle of the Wilderness was the first battle of the Overland Campaign during the Civil War. Often overlooked because it was indecisive, it is historically significant. It definitively identified Lieutenant General Ulysses S. Grant as the leading man in the fight for the Union and set the stage for the move to the James River and the taking of Richmond, Virginia, where the Confederate Army ultimately fell in defeat. Grant planned the battle between May 3 and 4 of 1864 and the battle itself occurred on May 5th and 6. This battle, the first between Grant and General Robert E. Lee of the Confederates, was the first major engagement between arguably the two greatest leaders of the Civil War. The battle took place in the tangled woods of what is now Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania National Park about 10 miles west of Fredericksburg, Virginia along Orange Plank Road and Orange Turnpike. The Federals held the land to the east and the confederates to the west. The land was nearly impassable, proving a nightmare for both moving men and logistics. The importance of the location, however, was significant. Railways and roads led to Washington and were logistically important. For two years, fighting for the land surrounding the Rappahannock and Rapidan rivers led to stalemate. Twice previously, Lee had been able to withstand attack from the Federals; attacks led by Joseph Hooker and George Meade. Lee’s plan was, likely, to take Washington, which he believed would decidedly winShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of J. Tracy Power s Lee s Miserables1429 Words  | 6 PagesPower’s Lee’s Miserables, Power evaluates the mindset of the soldiers by following their correspo ndence to family members as well as their use of diaries. The book is designed to demonstrate the psychological changes of the soldiers from The Battles of the Wilderness and Spotsylvania to the eventual surrender of the army at Appomattox. Power effectively describes the spectrum of physiological states exhibited by the soldier while maintaining a theme of respect for the generalship of Robert E. Lee. WhileRead MoreThe Patriot ( 2000 )1501 Words  | 7 Pagesagainst the British until Colonel William Tavington (Lt. Colonel Banastre Tarleton) kills Benjamin’s son and burns down his house in South Carolina. Benjamin Martin leads his militia and attacks against the British with guerilla warfare until the climax battle, where he takes revenge for his son and kills Colonel William. What is wrong with The Patriot? It may have gotten the big picture, which was that the British taxed the colonists unfairly and the colonists took action by forming a militia to winRead MoreThe Battle Of Chancellorsville, Virginia1517 Words  | 7 PagesThe battle of Chancellorsville, Virginia was fought from April 30 through May 6, 1863. It was fought between the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia commanded by General Robert E. Lee, and the Federal Army of the Potomac commanded by Major General Joseph Hooker. The intent of this battle was for Major General Hooker’s Union force to cross the Rappahannock River west of Chancellorsville in order to gain control of the Virginia Central and Fredericksburg rail lines; these rail lines were essentialRead MoreDaniel Boone, An American Explorer And Frontiersman1015 Words  | 5 Pagesblacksmith and weaver, Squire Boone Sr. and nurtured by his England emigrated mother, Sarah Morgan. Boone was the sixth born and received a skim p formal education, for he learned to read and write from his mother. Boone acquired an education in wilderness and survival skills from his father. Boone just like his father had a niche for woodsmanship and hunting, for at the age of twelve he shot his first bear. In 1755, Daniel Boone left home for a military expedition that was a part of the FrenchRead MoreDaniel Boone, An American Explorer And Frontiersman1226 Words  | 5 Pageseducation in wilderness and survival skills from his father. Boone just like his father had a niche for woodsmanship and hunting, for at the age of twelve he shot his first bear. In 1755, Daniel Boone left home for a military expedition that was a part of the French and Indian War. Boone served as a teamster who drove supplies by wagon for Brigadier General Edward Braddock, during Braddock’s attempt to drive the French out of Ohio Country,which concluded in disaster at the Battle of MonongahelaRead MoreAnalysis : The Tonic Of The Wilderness 911 Words  | 4 Pagesidea of seeing the wilderness as an essential value of the Earth is Gladys Swan. Swan clarifies Crà ¨vecÅ“ur’s message about men perceived as plants by analyzing how men have adapted and encapsulated the need of capitalism when coming to America. This need has shifted American Puritans focus on capitalism and has lost hope in valuing the land of Earth. Swan later expressing her reasoning’s through an article â€Å"The Tonic of the Wilderness†supporting that people living in the wilderness adapt to a slowerRead MoreTaking Jerusalem : A Victory1513 Words  | 7 PagesNIV). There were few drawbacks to living in this time because it was a time of conquest and settlement. Despite there being a few drawbacks, they are not little in substance, including the near failure at the battle of Ai, murder, genocide, and the tests of Judges 6. However, at the battle of Ai, many of the Israelites were killed because there were a few that stole and took some of the devoted things (Joshua 7, NIV). God told Joshua that unless he destroyed those that had wronged, the defeat wouldRead MoreFreedom of Humanity Depends on the Connection with Nature842 Words  | 4 Pageshe has a great influence on Ike and the wilderness. â€Å"The Bear†is not only about the life of Old Ben, but it is also about the wilderness, racism, possession of land, and the meaning of humanity. The interpretation of wilderness Faulkner present in his book is that the forest represents an essential connection among liberty and humanity (Radloff). Through allusion, William Faulkner uses imagery and symbolism to connect liberty and humanity with the wilderness. William Faulkner, with the successfulRead MoreAbraham Licoln Outline Essay example1749 Words  | 7 Pagesmaterial was in short supply in the Indiana wilderness. Neighbors recalled how Abraham would walk for miles to borrow a book. Occupationally: he was a lawyer and a former representative and president of the United States of America. IV. Dates of the term or terms of office: In office from March 4, 1861 to April 15, 1865 V. Issues prominent in each election: The issue of the presidential election of 1860 was bound to be slavery. Battles over the spread of slavery to new territoriesRead MoreThe Bear by William Faulkner Essay1088 Words  | 5 Pagesare men, full of greed and destructive possessiveness, pursuing that which they do not understand. Ike’s idea of the bear, presented in section 1 of the novella, expresses the idea of symbolism in relation to the bear and to the hunters and what the battle between the two represents. The bear itself, Old Ben, is a symbol for nature in what he spiritually embodies. He is described by Ike as being â€Å"too big,†a monster that â€Å"loomed and towered†(193) over the young boy, the bear was something to fear
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Role Of The Department Of Homeland Security Example For Students
Role Of The Department Of Homeland Security On September 11, 2011, the United States observed the tenth anniversary of the worst terrorist attacks in the history of the United States . The creation of many anti-terrorism organizations was a clear message that this threat is beyond a single military or intelligence capacity. Our citizens demanded a strong response that would prevent any future terrorist threat. President Bush created the Department of Homeland Security as the key agency responsible for all anti-terrorism activities to protect our homeland. Government officials and law makers introduced anti-terrorism laws and measures to allow key intelligence and counterterrorism agencies to protect us from terror. Outlining the role of the Department of Homeland Security depicts how this agency was able to coordinate multi agency work to achieve one common goal,; to protect American citizens. The DHS has played a valued role in protecting our nation against terrorism while engaging in a joint agency task force to avoid any deficiencies or miscommunication that might allow terrorists the openings to attack us. The Department of Homeland Security made counterterrorism its first and ultimate goal by detecting explosives in public spaces and transportation networks, helping protect critical infrastructure and cyber networks from attack, detecting agents of biological warfare, and building information-sharing partnerships with state and local law enforcement that can enable law enforcement to mitigate threats (, 2012). Prior September 11 attacks, United States’ citizens thought of terrorism as another act of extreme violence that police work had to deal with without having to engage too many resources or departments within our intelligence community. After Bin Laden declared war against our values, freedom, peace, and liberties, terrorism became a priority on the agenda of our politicians who knew, through experience , how dangerous it is to tolerate terror even if it is thousands of miles away. The creation of the Department of Homeland Security was a result of the deficiencies and mistakes that did not prevent the multiple attacks that targeted the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and the White House .â€Å"The President proposes to create a new Department of Homeland Security, the most significant transformation of the U. S. government in over half century, by largely transforming and realigning the current confusing patchwork of government activities into a single department, whose pri mary mission is to protect our homeland†(Falk Morgenstern, 2009, p. 27). The suffering and tragedies we observed prior to the terrorist attacks on 9/11 caused a new era that put security at the top of the agenda of every politician. They had no other options than supporting pro-security bills like the USA PATRIOT Act. â€Å"President George W. Bush is joined by House and Senate representatives as he signs H.R. 3199, USA Patriot Improvement and Reauthorization Act of 2005, Thursday, March 9, 2006 in the East Room of the White House ( The Department of Homeland Security and other government agencies needed this kind of act to smoothly do its job in an aggressive way while maintaining most of our values. More security measures are as essential to our freedom as the values that our founders created to make us the greatest nation on earth. The cooperation of the DHS with multi agencies’ anti-terrorism units, especially the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), was a clear message that this threat is beyond a single military or intelligence capacity. Eliminating Al-Qaeda and its cells has been a successful t, resulting in the killing of Osama Bin Laden and aborting many attempts to murder our citizens and to destroy our infrastructures. The Department of Homeland Security was specifically a result of the terrorist attacks of 9/11. The Department of Homeland Security states, Protecting the American people from terrorist threats is the founding purpose of the Department and our highest priority. The Department s efforts to battle terrorism, include detecting explosives in public spaces and transportation networks, helping protect critical infrastructure and cyber networks from attack, detecting agents of biological warfare, and building information-sharing partnerships with state and local law enforcement that can enable law enforcement to mitigate threats ( gand maro EssayProtecting our aviation represent one of the primary goals of the antiterrorism units of the DHS. The Federal Air Marshal, Securing Flight Program, Redress Control Numbers, and the Airline Security Screening are some of the primary goals since the September 11 terrorist attack that used planes to attack the World Trade Center. Another goal of the DHS is to secure America against any chemical threat. The Ammonium Nitrate Security Program and the Critical Infrastructure security are some of the chemical security priorities. The Department of Homeland Security also focuses on fraud and counterfeiting that engages the work of the Secret Service to prevent fraud. Information sharing is one of the main priorities that include other agencies in antiterrorism response activities to protect our homeland. The National Terrorism Advisory System, as well as the Protected Critical Infrastructure Information (PCII) Program, consists of two major programs interacting with multi-government agencies to shield us from terrorism. Protecting our infrastructure is a key antiterrorism tool that protects our water supplies, electricity, and communications from any attack. The U.S. Coast Guard, as well as other law enforcement branches, works hard to secure our ports and airports from any breach that can put in danger our security. Nuclear Security is one of the branches that protects our nation form attacks on nuclear facilities by using Layered Nuclear Defense, Nuclear Detection Equipment Performance, and the Nuclear Secur ity Capabilities Development (, 2012). I suggest more engagement of the Department of Homeland Security in foiling and halting terrorist threats. Closer cooperation with other agencies like the FBI can be helpful to better respond and eliminate any terrorist activities in our homeland. I would love to hear more positive news of the DHS antiterrorism units’ successes rather than FEMA and ICE deficiencies. More effort should be made by DHS officials to make sure people understand the importance of its mission to maintain safety and security instead of attacking screening procedures at airports. More collaboration and multiagency work create safer communities with more liberties and more security. Engaging more agencies in antiterrorism objectives must be a priority rather than an ambition. I believe that the Department of Homeland Security has been doing a great job and must be supported to continue its mandate to protect our country.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Journey to the City of the Dead, or Palm Pyanar and Upokoyny Vinarov Review Essay Example
Journey to the City of the Dead, or Palm Pyanar and Upokoyny Vinarov Review Paper Essay on Journey to the City of the Dead, or Palm Pyanar and Upokoyny Vinarov By reading Amos Tutuola I pushed the head of the book Elizabeth Costello Dzh.M.Kutzee African novel. It it was a question of African authors: their books on the home continent hardly read, and they are forced to work for export, while trying to please both his and other peoples. According to Coetzee, African writers are guided in his work to the west, playing on the identity and originality, but they often forget that the first should write for the people, to write a good book about the pressing issues without looking at the audience. It is also considered the thesis of the oral nature of the African novel. As an example, two authors Amos Tutuola and Ben Okri were mentioned as the most famous of African writers. Such a detailed story on this chapter due to the fact that in part through the prism expressed in her ideas I took the book of Amos Tutuola Journey to the City of the Dead, or Palm Pyanar and Upokoyny Vinarov »  «Palm Pyanar. is a literary fairy tale, based on the beliefs of the Yoruba African people (thanks Wikipedia!). The main character, who is also the Father of the Gods Vsenasvetemoguschy lost Vinarov, who took it and went to the other world. Life without Pyanaryu Vinarov not sweet, and he embarks on a journey to the City of the Dead, to return a faithful servant. Along the way he meets Death, the Universal Mother, the Giant, as well as a wide variety of spirits, beasts and creatures: Dobychlivyh, terrible, unseen, Red and beautiful. narrative style is really like more came to oral tradition, a very simple, quite specific language (a consequence of Nigerian English), endless repetition and alliteration on paper almost frightening: We will write a custom essay sample on Journey to the City of the Dead, or Palm Pyanar and Upokoyny Vinarov Review specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Journey to the City of the Dead, or Palm Pyanar and Upokoyny Vinarov Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Journey to the City of the Dead, or Palm Pyanar and Upokoyny Vinarov Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer At first we thought it was a bomb exploded but then realized with whom met with laughter, and here Being othohotalis and laughter laughed for two hours first, we can only wonder and listened to, but less than a minute, we forgot about the pain and began pohohatyvat, then laughed and started. with laughter until yvatsya with laughter, and he laughed and laughed, giggled in different voices and supporting voices we are in lifes nothing funny about not heard Although the book and the Nigerian author, fabulous plot moves are universal:. Hero runs numerous tests, meets with many dangers, defeats or simply running from the clutches of the enemy, he rescues from the lair of the monster beautiful girl, of course, all of this under a thick sauce of local color and legends. Reads easily and quickly, sometimes funny, sometimes surprising, and horizons expanded. According to the general impression, we can agree with Coetzee and recognize the book African lubok (I exaggerate, of course) as held for sale to Western readers-tourists. Reflections Coetzee are without a decent base, especially as he looks at African literature from the inside, but the impressions of the book in any way pleasant. But you can look at the Palm Pyanarya and on the other hand. Tutola writes about love, friendship, treachery in his own fashion, exotic and recognizable. Primitive, but powerful images of dangers, enemies, obstacles encountered on the way of every seeker. The whole book a great metaphor search for happiness man who can be the Father of the Gods Vcenasvetemoguschim, but only when he remembers it and believe in its power. So Amos Tutuola much more interesting and profound than it might seem at first glance.
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