Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Managing a small business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Dealing with a private venture - Essay Example In Australia, for a business to be alluded to as little, it must have less than 15 individuals utilized in it. Notwithstanding the previously mentioned rules, other characterization of organizations likewise thinks about the part of complete resources, deals or the net benefit of the business. Everywhere throughout the world, private ventures frames a generous number of organizations and it is reliant on the financial framework winning. Independent ventures supplement the ‘big’ organizations in business exercises as they guarantee that items arrive at the remotest pieces of the nation. Regularly, most private companies incorporate; comfort stores, cafés and bars, beauticians, tradesmen, and visitor houses among others. In such manner, this paper attempts to discover various issues identified with independent companies (PUB) in Canterbury by talking the owners. Procedure The method of data assortment in this examination paper was immediate meeting of the owners. Since th e data was to be accumulated on a solitary business premises, the owners were reached earlier and understanding was reached on the best time and day. For this situation, I decided to consider a Pub in Canterbury named Dolphin. Dolphin is a modernized feasting bar that gives a scope of administrations to their clients. The data identifying with the business was gathered utilizing a radio recorder combined with note taking, the owners were seen as six and as a result of the idea of the inquiry and thinking about time, all the owners were allocated segments of the request to react to so the meeting couldn't be slanted to a person. Meeting one individual on all the regions of concern could prompt off base data from the interviewee given weariness and fatigue. The addressed were then planned independently and spread among the six owners in Dolphin business from which the data with respect to the business was gathered. Statistical surveying †Information Gathering Market research incl udes recognizing what the individuals need and fit in with it so you can have a business serious edge over the contenders. Statistical surveying is subsequently a significant device in business endurance as it empowers one to make an assurance on the best way to do advertising of their item. For this situation, I met the primary owner and gathered the accompanying data about the statistical surveying. I. Essential Research Dolphin understood that they need to cut themselves a specialty in the business condition by standing apart as the best supplier of administrations to the clients. They chose to do an essential examination that was planned for giving them bits of knowledge on the flavor of the individuals on assortments of staples, top time of the business, and on issues of references. To gain all these data, the administration utilized poll to hotspot for data, in some example, they requested that the clients rate their exhibition on explicit issues like cleanliness, fulfillment, etc. Rating of Dolphin’s execution was considered against what clients considered the best bar in the region where the business is arranged. The data acquired from such reactions is to be utilized for making the vital enhancement for the customer’s fulfillment. II. Auxiliary Research: A section from essential exploration for improving the presentation of the business, Dolphin additionally depends on the optional sources in its push to comprehend the administration of the business with the end goal that client can be fulfilled
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Operations Management - Material requirements planning & Just in Time Essay
Tasks Management - Material prerequisites arranging and Just in Time ( 2 CASE STUDY - ) HAVE TO ANSWER STUDYING THE CASES - Essay Example First the piece is detached by utilizing scrap receptacles found in the spot of creation then the piece is recorded from the canisters every day. Renewal: the best of this training is the substitution by utilization of standardized tags for checking. The draw framework is additionally utilized. Organizers can arrange materials by utilization of min-max filtering framework relying upon the item unpredictability. Creation detailing: standardized tag checking can be utilized to put creation to stock. The dismissed item is moved to a material survey board. Turn around accepting is accomplished for compartments that should be arranged. To show signs of improvement stream is one of the methods of reasoning of JIT. This can be applied in flight of stairs cell running so as to stay away from time misfortune. To show signs of improvement stream implied recognizing the different procedures required and also sorting out them. This maintains a strategic distance from time wastage during the hour of running the action. Lessening the occasions and separations in the process which guarantees everything that is required is set up. Accomplishing snappier throughput times, Dean can accomplish this in flight of stairs cell by giving each material that is required. Money saving advantage classes for this situation are in various manners. For example is the assembling money saving advantage. In this classification, in building up the cell it ought to be guaranteed that the expense acquired underway is less the item deals. Another class is the creation money saving advantage where by the expense of creation according to JIT Techniques ought to be fulfilling. For example it ought not be not exactly the benefits picked up. Next is the time cost where by every obligation is performed at its particular timespan to maintain a strategic distance from cover of exercises diminishing the advantages as recommended by Pycraft (2000). JIT (Just-in-Time) methods give a savvy creation of the cell and its conveyance too as indicated by Cleland and Ireland (2006). It does this in the correct spot and time. In a similar time benefits in term of least of offices, material, types of gear
Monday, August 10, 2020
trouble submitting documents COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog
trouble submitting documents COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog In order for your application to be considered complete and ready for review, we must receive all the required documents, which include your resumes, recommendation letters, and transcripts. We prefer documents be uploaded through the online application. However, we have received a number of inquiries on what to do if you have trouble uploading these documents to your online application. If the advice you received from the application technical support team (presuming you contacted them) was insufficient and you continue to have problems uploading your documents; you may email the documents to us (sipa_admission@columbia.edu) as an attachment. If you need to mail us documents; it is preferred that they be mailed together to expedite the process. But we understand that it may be easier to just mail documents individually (such as recommendation letters) too. Regardless, if you mail us a big packet or a small envelope, please have it sent to: Columbia University SIPA Office of Admissions and Financial Aid 420 West 118th Street, 4th Floor Mail Code 3325 408 International Affairs Building New York, NY 10027 USA All documents must be in English or accompanied by certified translations. Please make sure these documents arrive to us by the application deadline, February 5th, in order for your application to be considered complete. Please also note that this is our heaviest processing period so it can take up to two to three weeks to process information that was sent by mail. You may track the receipt of your documents online (by logging into your online application) without having to call or email our office.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
The Importance Of A Secure Mother Child Relationship
I strongly believe that a secure mother-child relationship is highly important in the later development of a person. The influence that a mother has on her child can later lead to important aspects needed for life; these may include behavioural/social skills, cognitive abilities, emotion and even on the personality of the child. Not only can a good relationship help nurture these positive characteristics but also prevent later difficulties in life such as trauma. There are two types of attachment that can be categorised as secure attachment and insecure attachment. Within insecure attachment there are three main sub categories which I will talk about later. Recent research has shown that new born babies have a far more superior ability to understand their environment than was previously believed. In the child’s environment he or she will be in contact with many individuals, however, it has been shown that the mother-child relationship is the most influential. A quote from Shon koff and Phillips, â€Å"early development entails the gradual transition from extreme dependence on others to manage the world for us to acquiring the competencies needed to manage the world for oneself†Early relationships and experiences is highly important in the brains physical development. The brains plasticity is at its highest in the first few years in the life of an individual. It is believed that nature and nurture are very interactive in producing an individual’s perception of the world. EarlyShow MoreRelatedThe Theory Of Attachment Proposed By John Bowlby And Mary Ainsworth1177 Words  | 5 Pageschapter readings highlighted the importance of one of the characteristics of human nature, which is relationships and attachment. The course materials emphasized the critical role of relationship and attachment to the development of the children. The internship site also provided an opportunity for me to visualize different attachments and relationships between parent and child in action. As the chapter readings from the textbook explore different perspectives of relationship and attachment proposed byRead MoreThe Emotional Bond Between A Parent And Their Child1469 Words  | 6 Pagestheir child (Stevenson-Hinde, 2007). How secure this bond is can influence a variety of areas in the child’s development. A parent can secure this attachment by how they interpret and respond to their child’s needs. There are four attachment patterns that can form, secure, avoidant, ambivalent, and disorganized. A child who is secure in their attachment is able to regulate their emotions in stressful situations, explore their environment, and displays positive social behaviors. When a child is insecureRead More1. Outline Mary Ainsworth’s ‘Strange Situation’ Study and Discuss How This Has Influenced Our Understanding of the Importance of a Child’s Attachment to the Primary Caregiver.1523 Words  | 7 PagesAinsw orth’s ‘strange situation’ study and discuss how this has influenced our understanding of the importance of a child’s attachment to the primary caregiver. In 1970 Mary Ainsworth expanded greatly upon Bowblys original work and devised an experiment called the Strange situation. The study focused on the behaviour ,in relation to attachment, of infants who were 12-18 months of age when their mother left the purpose built lab play room. The infants were watched through video cameras in the laboratoryRead MoreSecure Attachment Relationship Between Young Children And Their Families898 Words  | 4 PagesSecure Attachment Relationship The mother is usually the first and primary object of attachment for an infant, but in many cultures, babies become just as attached to their fathers, siblings, and grandparents. When infants are attached to their caregivers, they gain a secure base from which babies can explore their environment and a haven of safety to return to when they are afraid. Attachment begins with physical touching and cuddling between infant and parent. Some babies become secure or insecureRead MoreAttachment Theory : A Psychological Model1638 Words  | 7 Pagesbiologically driven explanation of how the parent-child interaction emerges and how it influences human development over a life span. The term attachment refers to the complex set of related thought processes and behaviors towards a primary care giver. The attachment behaviors are biologically guided by our natural instinct for protection and safety. This evolved behavioral system organizes human motivation, emotions, cognition, and memory. Th e attachment relationship that an individual creates in infancy effectsRead MoreThe Impact Of Supportive Co Parenting, Father Engagement And Attachment1346 Words  | 6 Pagesemotional well-being (Zastrow 147). Secure levels of attachment are associated with healthy peer relationships, higher self-esteem and overall survival. In Associations among Supportive Co-parenting, Father Engagement and Attachment: The Role of Race/Ethnicity, Pudasainee-Kapri and Razza examine the impact of supportive co-parenting, and father engagement on mother-child attachment. The article was written by researchers from the Syracuse University department of child and family studies. ResearchersRead MoreInfant Attachment Essay1434 Words  | 6 PagesIntroduction Infant attachment is the first relationship a child experiences and is crucial to the child’s survival (BOOK). A mother’s response to her child will yield either a secure bond or insecurity with the infant. Parents who respond â€Å"more sensitively and responsively to the child’s distress†establish a secure bond faster than â€Å"parents of insecure children†. (Attachment and Emotion, page 475) The quality of the attachment has â€Å"profound implications for the child’s feelings of security andRead MoreSocial And Emotional Development : John Bowlby1402 Words  | 6 PagesHaving a secure bond of attachment to another person is regarded as a foundation for successful social and emotional development. â€Å"It has been observed that children with secure attachments are more socially competent than those with insecure attachment†(Neaum. S. 2010). By the child having formed secured relationships it enables them to engage with the world with a sense of confidence and self-esteem. children who have secure attachments are also known to show more co-operative behaviour. JohnRead MoreAdult Attachment Styles By Mary Ainsworth940 Words  | 4 Pagesexhibits as an infant can affect their adult romantic relationships. An attachment pattern is established in early childhood attachments and continues to function as a working model for relationships in adulthood. This model of attachment influences how each of us reacts to our needs and how we go about getting them met. The ability to recognize one s attachment can help someone to understand their strengths and vulnerabilities in a relationship. Psychologist, Mary Ainsworth, provided the most famousRead MoreAttachment Theory As A Framework For Understanding Interpersonal And Emotional Outcomes Of Adults1442 Words  | 6 PagesAttachment theory also creates, an understanding of how parent relationships, affects a child’s early physiological development throughout adult-hood. In the past, research done on father -child relationships, has generally, focused on the attachment the child develops, when the father is absent in the child’s early stages of development. In my research, I found recent studies, performed on father-child relationships, and how secure attachment bonds are developed, when the father is not only present
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Forms of Materialsm Essay Examples
Introduction Materialism is believed to be one of the simplest explanations of reality. It is the belief that nothing exists which is not physical or material. It even goes on to assert that the commonly held beliefs about the highest realities, spiritual or psychic truths cannot be independent of the physical world. Materialism is thus a meme, or a specific socially determined method of perceiving reality. It’s defined as the metaphysical view that only one substance universally exists and that substance is material, physical or empirical. The skeptical explanations of the universe are a belief that everything is or consists of energy and matter and beyond this, nothing else can exist. According to this belief, nothing is supernatural and all spiritual substance is simple delusion. Likewise, conscience is simply an emergent phenomenon of the physical mind. Despite theses assertions, materialists should not be misconstrued to be necessarily atheists. However, atheism is a corollary of materialism since it denies the presence of supernatural powers. i.e. God or any other higher power. Materialism acknowledges the reality of love, goodness, justice and beauty. There are several forms of materialism. The most widely explored forms are the identity theory and the functionalism theories. This article attempts to explore these two theories, their strengths and weaknesses. It will also attempt to come to a conclusion whether any of them is strong enough to provide an acceptable account for the materialistic mind. The identity theory of the mind This theory was developed in the mid 20th century. The first philosophers to pioneer the theory were UT Place and Herbert Feign in the 1950’s. Others were Smart, Rudolf Camapand Reinchebach in the early 20th century. One of the original papers by UT Place in 1956 ,†Is Consciousness A Brain Process† and another by H Feigh ,†Mental†And â€Å"Physical†asserts that mental events could be identified by stimuli and responses just as the internal state of photo electric cells can easily be associated with light or current. All these papers went on to concur that the internal states are physical. The tendency of philosophers in those days was a thought that identity statements need to be necessary apriori truths, today, identity theorists treat sensation and brain processes as contingent. Earlier philosophers like Aristotle thought that the brain was for cooling the blood, while Descartes believed that consciousness was immaterial. The identity theory makes an assertion that the processes and states of mind are identical to the processes and states of the brain. This is however not new. We use mind and brain interchangeably in all our everyday conversations for instance. We could easily say â€Å"Peter has a sharp brain†or even â€Å"Peter has a sharp mind†it would however be absurd, to say that Peters mind weighs three or four ounces. Identifying brain and mind as a, matter of identifying processes or perhaps states of brain and mind are tasks that philosophers seek to clarify. If you consider the experience of pain for instance, seeing something or even having a mental image, the identity theorists claim that all these experiences just are processes of the brain but not merely correlated to the processes of the brain. Some scholars believe that although experiences are brain processes, they too have non physical, psychical properties commonly known as â€Å"qualia†the identity theory denies the irreducible non physical properties of matter. Most identity theorists derive a behaviorist analysis of mental states such as desires, beliefs while others believe that mental states are actual brain states. These theorists are better described as physicalists. Place, for instance used the notion of constitution while smart preferred the axiom of identity in logic. According to Smart, if sensation A is identical to the brain process B and B is between my ears and is circular or straight, and then A is also between my ears and is straight or circular. Similarly, a mathematics teacher may be identical to a science teacher but although a new student may know that the math’s teacher hiccups during lectures, he may not know that the science teacher also hiccups during lectures too. Types and Tokens In testing whether mental phenomena is same as physical phenomena, or different from it, it must be clarified whether the issue applies to concrete particulars like individual pains occurring at a time or to the kind of event or state, under which these particulars fall. The token identity asserts that each particular that falls under the mental kind can easily be identified with neuropsychological happenings or other such instances of pain for instance are taken to be not only mental state such as pain but physical instances such as c-fiber excitation. The token identity is however weaker than the type identity and it goes as far a to claim that the mental kinds themselves are physical. This implies that the identity theory, when taken as a theory of types, but not tokens has to make some claims that mental states like pain are typically identical with physical states such as c-fiber excitation. One of the greatest strengths of the modern identity theory is its holism. Its important that two feature of this holism are considered. One of them is that the approach allows for the causal interaction of the brain processes and states as well as in the case of external stimuli and responses. Another strength is the ability to draw from the Ramseyfication of a theory. Ramsey FP, has demonstrated how to replace the theory’s theoretical terms like the ‘property of being an electron’ by ‘property Y in such a way that †¦..†so that when this is done for all the theoretical terms, we are left only with property Y such that’,’ property Y such that’ etc. Ramsey thus clearly demonstrates that folk psychology is compatible with materialism. The earlier theory of identity deals more with reports of immediate experience. This theory also solves Descartes problem since it reduces the mental realms to the physical and characteristically allow as for the derivation of the causal role of mental phenomena from its physical substrate. This possibility is however not detailed in realization. The theory has also been used to highlight the empirical investigations about the correlation of the mind and brain by proposing that what the brain is doing, the mind does the same. Criticism of the theory Philosophers such as Saul Krypke and David Chalmers have leveled serious criticisms against this theory. Kripke considers the identity’ heat molecule’ and also believes that this is a necessary truth in every world. This proposition is not true since radiant heat may not fit in this category. Krypt asserts that what when we think that molecular motion might exist in the absence of heat, then this is confusing it with the thought that molecular motion can exist without being felt as heat. He goes on to ask whether it is analogously possible that if pain is a certain form of brain process, that it could exist without being felt as pain. His suggestion is that its not possible. An identity theorist would confirm these assertions. We might possibly be aware of a damaged tooth and being in agitation condition without being aware of this awareness. Identity theorists such as Smart would prefer talk of having pain rather than of pain. Kripke concludes that the apparent connection between the physical state and the corresponding brain states cannot thus be explained by some sort of qualitative ideas such as in the case of heat. Chalmer developed non physical qualia that avoid the worries of ontological danglers. These worries were expressed by Smart that if non physical qualia existed, there would have to be laws relating to non to neurophysiological processes to apparently simple properties and the laws of collation would necessarily have to be fundamental. Chalmer counters this by proposing that qualia are not simple but unknown to us, are made of simple photoqaulia and thus the fundamental laws relating to these physical entities relate to fundamental physical entities. Functionalism This is the philosophical belief that what makes something a mental state of a particular type depends not on its components but on the way it functions, and the role it plays in the system in which it is part. This doctrine goes back to the Aristotle’s conception of soul and was advanced by the conception by Hobbes of the mind as a calculating machine. Its prominence was however evident in the third quarter of the 20th century. It has been described as a doctrine that what makes something a pain, thought, or a desire does not depend on the internal function but on its role in the cognitive system. Functionalism takes the identity of the mental state as determined by the causal relationship to other mental states, behavior and sensory stimulations. For simplicity, a functionalist may characterize pain as a state that is probably caused by bodily harm, producing the belief that something is not right with the body and the desire to get out of that state, to cause anxiety thus only and all creatures that have internal states to meet their conditions and play their roles are then capable of pain. If we suppose that humans meet these conditions(c- fiber simulation), then the humans may be in pain, if they undergo a c- fiber simulation. This theory however allows creatures that have different constitution to have mental state too. If there are some non human creatures that meet the conditions, they would still feel pain. This means that pain could be mutually realized. Conversely, since descriptions that refer to states causal relationship with stimulations, and each other are known as topic neutral ( Smart 1959) this imposes no restrictions on the nature of item as long as it satisfies the conditions. It means that logically, it’s possible for a non physical state to play the relevant roles and realize mental states. This makes it compatible with dualism that makes mental states to cause and be caused by physical states. Functionalism is neutral between materialism and dualism. It has been quite attractive to materialists. Since materialists believe that it’s overwhelmingly likely that any states capable of playing the roles in question will be physical states. This implies that functionalism can stand as a materialistic alternative to the psychophysical identity thesis, the thesis that each type of mental state is identical with a particular type of neutral state, this thesis, once considered as the dominant materialistic theory of the mind, entails that no creatures with brains that are not similar with the human mind, can share our sensations, belief and desires no matter how similar their behavior and internal organization may be our own. Thus functionalism is widely regarded as more inclusive and less chauvinistic since it can be multiply realized. This makes it a more plausible theory that is very compatible with materialism. There are several forms or strains of functionalism i.e., machine functionalism, psycho functionalism, analytic functionalist. Machine functionalism assumes that any creature that has a mind may be regarded as a Turing machine whose operation may be fully specified given a set of instructions. Psycho Functionalism- This one adopts the methodology of cognitive psychology in its characterization of mental states and processes as entities that are defined by their role in a cognitive psychological theory. The distinction of this branch of functionalism is its claim that the mental states are just those entities, with just those properties that have been postulated by the best scientific explanations of human behavior. This means that information that is used in functional characterization of mental states and processes need not be restricted to common knowledge and or common sense, but even include information that can be made available only by careful laboratory observation. It does not however include characteristics of mental states for which there is no scientific evidence, such as buyers regret or hysteria although the existence and efficacy of these states is something that common sense affirms. Analytical functionalism The role of this form of functionalism is to provide topic-neutral translations or an analysis of our ordinary mental state terms or concepts. It permits reference to the causal relations that a mental state has to stimulations, behavior or other mental states. Criticisms There are several objections that have been leveled against the functionalist theory as explained below Functionalism and Holism The difficulty of every version of the theory is that the functional characterization is holistic. Functionalists, hold the belief that mental states can be characterized in terms of the roles they play in psychological theory, whether it is commonsensical, scientific or any other element in between, however, all these states incorporate information about a variety of mental states. This means that if pain is interdefined with certain highly articulated desires and beliefs, then animals that do not have internal states that play the role of our articulated desires cannot share our pain and humans that do not have a capacity to feel pain are not able to share cannot share certain beliefs and desires likewise, differences in the reasoning of people and the way their beliefs are fixed and the effects of their desires on their beliefs, might make it impossible for them to  share identical mental states. This is regarded as a very serious worry characteristic of functionalism. Functionalism and Mental Causation Another worry of the functionalism is the causal exclusion problem. The problem about whether role functionalism can account for what we take to be the causal efficacy of our mental states. For instance, if pain is realized in me, by any neural state-type, then as long as there is purely physical law like generalizations linking states of that type with pain behavior, one can give a complete causal explanation of my behavior by mentioning the occurrence of that neutral state. Some philosophers at a higher have however argued that the higher level role properties of pain are casually irrelevant. Conclusion The above is a formal analysis indicates that there have been several attempts by philosophers to describe the nature of the mind. Although the philosophers concur that there are several propositions about the possibility of a physical world, it has been indicated by the many criticisms that have been leveled against these theories. It has been proven that the mind and the brain may be interrelated in a number of elements but it may not be easy to justify that they are one and the same thing. The identity theorists for instance argue that it’s empirically possible to prove the physicality of brain, it’s logically impossible to assume a physical state of the mind. It is only through the mind processes that philosophers attempt to bring the concept of physicality and this has been challenged from many quarters. These theories thus do not succeed in developing a plausible account of the mind and its correlation with the body, at least not in the assumption of materialism that everything is physical.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay over Reading Free Essays
â€Å"Being Country†by Bobbie Ann Mason It’s kind of crazy how stories you read can bring so many mental pictures in your mind of things you can relate to it. In Bobbie Ann Mason’s story, â€Å"Being Country†, I related very well to the country style of living. I, myself, lived in a very small country town in Texas, and know people just like the â€Å"country people†noted in Mason’s story. We will write a custom essay sample on Essay over Reading or any similar topic only for you Order Now The subject I visualized a lot throughout reading this was the food. There is nothing better in the whole world than good ole’ southern cooking. Back home in Texas I had a buddy that was a â€Å"country boy†, and anytime I went over to the Tapley’s house for dinner; I knew I was in for a treat. I can remember one night his mom came out with humungous steaks that they had just received from their last cattle. The juices all over the plate, the large ears of corn, the twice baked potatoes, and fresh green bean casserole had my saliva going bonkers in my mouth. I can still visualize the way the table was set with the decorative valentines table cloth and the silver utensils. When I was reading about all of the different foods the mother making, it triggered my mind to go back and remember Mrs. Tapley in the kitchen slaving over all of the dishes. When dinner time came we all huddled around the table where Mr. Tapley said grace. I’m pretty sure it went a little like, â€Å"We thank god for the blessing to be able to grow our own food and for the prosperous seasons he has brought us and for the future. In God’s name, Amen. †After that amen, we feasted. Myself and the Tapley’s filled our faces until our stomachs said no more. During this obliteration of food I don’t recall us ever saying a word, just like in Mason’s essay it is a given that at the dinner table it is strictly about enjoying the meal that has been placed in front of you. No talking is necessary but there are the occasional jokes popped off usually by the head of the table. The imagery that has been placed in my head by Mason’s story has not only made me think solely upon the one experience I have explained. It makes me think about my town as a whole. The coffee shop in my town was smack dab in the middle of what Mason calls her â€Å"square†ours was the Brookshire’s enter. The coffee shop was across the street from the center of which also had our neighborhood groceries, Brookshire’s Grocery. Walking out of Brookshire’s you can always smell the Coffee shop’s rich fragrance of coffee bean no matter what time of the day. Recollections of my step dad walking out of the grocery store and saying the same thing Mason’s dad would say to her, â€Å"I hate that smell! †Coffee isn’t my sort of thing either, but I do however love the smell of coffee in the morning. And walking out of brookshire’s was always heavenly smelling the Coffee Shop. My most fond memory however was sparked when Mason starts talking about her grandmother. My grandmother was a country woman and grew up in Iowa on a farm herself. My grandma was always so conservative and would save any leftovers if possible because she grew up just like Mason says, â€Å"†¦ haunted by the fear of crop failure. We ate as if we didn’t know where our next meal might come from. †My grandmother was simply always scared we weren’t going to have enough food. When we would go to Brookshire’s she would always over stock the house with food. Snacks, drinks, meals, dessert, soups and just about anything you could name has probably been through my house as well. She made so many meals that were just out of ingredients she threw together, and my brother and I were always the Guinea pigs. All my grandma would do is work around the house, cook and clean just like what Mason states about her grandmother when saying she doesn’t know any different. When thinking of my grandmother I think of a kind and gentle voice so in my head whenever I read what her grandma was saying I heard a voice much similar to my grandmother’s. In conclusion, Bobbie Ann Mason’s â€Å"Being Country†really hit home to me. It showed me how imagery can play a big role in writing, and how it can really persuade the reader to keep reading. I now understand that the visual art must be consumed by the readers through the writer’s capabilities to trigger the readers mind. It is just up to the writer on whether or not they express their visual presentation well enough to the reader. â€Å"Being Country†definitely displayed it’s visual art to me by making me feel like I was back in my little Podunk town in Texas. How to cite Essay over Reading, Essay examples
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Nissan Essay Example For Students
Nissan Essay Nissan had faced large losses in the past three years. From the financial ratios, we could see that almost all of the profitability ratios were appeared as the negative percentage. Which means that the effectiveness of the firm’s management of profit in relation to both sales and investment were low. Also, it had decreasing by each year. Nissan seems to misread or ignored the consumers trends in the both Japan and the United States’ markets. The weakest points, and the issues that Nissan lack of are the brand identity and the product planning. Even though, Nissan had tried to build up the models- Maxima to compete with Toyota’s Camry, and Honda’s Accord, but failed to make an impact because it lacked a strong product identity it’s vehicles cannot have the same equipments and horsepower as other competitive vehicles. The reason for that is because Nissan afford the large amount of money in the vehicle’s investments. â€Å"Nissan cannot maintaining its market share, and had decreased down from 30% of hold to 20% in the Japanese market. Also, decreased down from 5.6% to only 4% in the United States’ market.†(Nissan: Automaker struggling, p.10) The other big problem came with it is overcapacity and shrinking sales. If the products cannot meet the customers’ need, t here will happen overcapacity. Moreover, the company’s debts estimated at nearly $30 billion, an amount roughly equal to its annual sales. Compare with other competitors Nissan still have pretty good amount of the sales, not the best one, but also not the worst one. That means the problem for Nissan is not the product itself. The problem they face should be the organization problem. Last year 1999, the Asia economic recession had affect to many of the businesses in the Asia market, especially the motor businesses. The Japanese companies, Toyota and Honda were both suffered steep losses because of the economic recession. However, the economy problem had also affected in Nissan, but that was not the main problem for Nissan. For the GM and Ford companies that are not the Japanese companies were not having this problem. From the ratios, we could see that they did not have as much as profit compare to the Japanese motors, but they are more stable than others. One possible solution to solve Nissan’s problem is to find a strong oversea partner to support Nissan’s investments that oversea. Although Nissan, Japans second-largest automotive assembler, can make vehicles cheaply, not enough people want to buy them, and the huge capital investments Nissan made during the 1980s do not appear to be generating a return that would allow the group to pay down its colossal debts. Nissans net debt is equivalent to 66 per cent of Japans annual defense spending. Nissans debt would not be a problem if it were generating the cash necessary to cover interest and pay down its obligations. Nissan has been cutting its capital expenditure, a decision that is partly to blame for its lackluster product line-up and poor sales in Japan. In the US, profits were hit by aggressive discounting and worse than expected residual values on leased vehicles. Only in Europe is Nissan profitable.
Tuesday, March 24, 2020
Robert de Niro free essay sample
The direction of his future had already determined by his stage debut at age ten playing the Cowardly Lion in his school’s production of Wizard of Oz. De Niro was also entranced by the movies and he dropped out of high school at the age of sixteen to pursue acting. De Niro studied acting at the Stella Adler Conservatory, as well as Lee Strasberg’s Actors Studio. De Niro first movie role , in collaboration with Brian de Palma was in 1963 at the age of 20 when he appeared opposite his friend Jill Clayburg in the Weeding Party. He gained popular attention with his role as dying MLB player in Bang The Brum Slowly (1973). That same year he began his collaboration with Martin Scorsese. When he played the crook Johny Boy alongside Harvey Keitel’s in Mean Streets (1973). In 1974 De niro had a pivotal role in Francis Ford Copolla’s The Godfather part II, playing young Vito Corleone. We will write a custom essay sample on Robert de Niro or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page His performance earned him his first Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor. De Niro and Marlon Brando who played older Vito Corleone in the first film are the only actors to have won Oscars portraying the same fictional character. Brando and De Niro came together onscreen for the only time in The Score (2001). After working with Scorsese in Mean Streets he had a successful working relationship with the director in films as Taxi Driver (1976), New York,New York (1977), Raging Bull (1980), The King Of Comedy (1983), Goodfellas (1990), Cape Fear (1991) and Casino (1995) Taxi Driver was particulary important to De Niro’s career . His iconic performance as Travis Bickle shot him to stardom and forever linked De Niro’s name with famous â€Å" You Talking To Me ? †monologue. The role of Travis Bickle earned him his first Academy Award Nomination for Best Actor. In 1978 De Niro played Michael Vronsky in the acclaimed Vietnam War film The Deer Hunter for which he was nominated for Best Actor in a leading role. Fearing he become typecast in mob roles De Niro began expanding into occasional comedic roles in the mid of 80’s and has had much success there as well with such films as Brazil (1985), the hit action-comedy Midnight Run (1988), Analyze This (1999), Meet The Parents (2000) and Meet The Fockers (2004) both opposite Ben Stiller. In 1997 he re-teamed with Harvey Keitel and ray Lliotta along with Sylvester Stallone in the crime drama Cop Land. De Niro played a supporting role taking a back seat to Stallone, Keitel, Lliotta. In 1993 he also starred in This Boys Life featuring then rising child actors Leonardo di Caprio and Tobey Maguire. Around this time he was offered the role Mitch Leary in In The Line Of Fire opposite Clint Eastwood. However due to scheduling conflicts with A Bronx Tale he turned the role down in favor of John Malkovich who himself received an Academy Award nomination for the role. In 1995 De Niro starred in Michael Mann’s police action-thriller Heat along with fellow actor and long time friend Al Pacino. The duo drew much attention from fans as both have generally been compared throughout their careers. Pacino and De Niro both starred in Godfather part II, they shared no screen time they once again appeared in the crime thriller Righteous Kill. In 1993 De Niro made his directorial debut with a Bronx Tale. De Niro did not direct another film until 2006 The Good Shepherd. De Niro and his first wife Diahnne Abbot have a son Raphael, he also adopted Abbot’s daughter Drena. De Niro has twin sons Julian Henry and Aaron Kendrik. In 1997 De Niro married his second wife Grace Hightower. In addition to his six children he has grandchildren. De Niro has residences on the east and west Manhatan. I think that only an actor so talented can create such a variety of roles and in my opinion that despite his achievements and awards he is not appreciated enough in his environment. References: Baxter, John. De Niro: A Biography. HarperCollins. 2002 www. pl. wikipedia. org www. filmweb. pl
Friday, March 6, 2020
Criticizing Kants Argument for Purposeful Reason essays
Criticizing Kants Argument for Purposeful Reason essays In the preface of Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals, Immanuel Kant declares that all moral philosophy rests entirely on its pure parts. With this premise, an acknowledgment that he is unconcerned with a teleological approach to morality, Kant tethers the moral philosophy he is about to erect. I will begin by outlining what Kant means when he states that moral philosophy is based in something pure by examining what the concept of purity signifies in terms of morality and why Kant argues on its behalf. From there I will briefly summarize the form of moral philosophy Kant believes will arise from this pure grounding, the categorical imperative. Through a critical examination of the role of reason and the concept of purpose in linking the realm of human experience and the pure metaphysics of morals, I will argue that Kants moral philosophy lacks a motivator for human participation and is subsequently unlikely to be a practical philosophy. For Kant, moral philosophy is a type of rational knowledge. Knowledge can be divided into two general categories: formal philosophy and material philosophy. The former is concerned with universal rules of thought or logic, while the latter pertains to objects and the laws governing them. Material philosophy can be further divided into laws of nature and laws of freedom which are called physics and ethics, respectively. These two branches of material philosophy are subject to a final division. Each may be either empirical, based on experience, or pure, founded entirely on a priori principles. In the case of ethics the empirical branch is called anthropology while the pure is the metaphysics of morals. Kants moral philosophy is based in metaphysics of morals, knowledge of the pure, and a priori laws of freedom that pertain to objects completely unmitigated by empirical concerns. Moral philosophy according to Kant must be based on pure, a priori concepts entir...
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Research Methods and perspectives Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Methods and perspectives - Research Paper Example â€Å"Increasingly children serve as combatants or as cooks, informants, porters, bodyguards, sentries, and spies. Many child soldiers belong to organized military units, wear uniforms, and receive explicit training, their lethality enhanced by the widespread availability of lightweight assault weapons. Other children participate in relatively unstructured but politically motivated acts of violence, such as throwing stones or planting bombs. The use of children in armed conflict is global in scope-a far greater problem than suggested by the scant attention it has received. Child soldiers are found from Central America to the Great Lakes region of Central Africa, and from Belfast in the north to Angola in the south†(Wessells, 1997). Becoming a child soldier has a negative impact on the lives of children in three key areas. The first area deals with the upbringing of the children. Since the children are brought up in a violent and vicious environment, they tend to learn and adapt to environmental elements that are far beyond their age. The second area deals with the right of the children to spend their childhood as adolescents (Sarantakos, 2005). Child soldiers are not allowed to engage in some of the simplest activities that one would expect a child to engage in. Since they are brought up to be devoid of emotions the children grow up to become disoriented and dislocated from some of the most basic of emotions and feelings. The third aspect comes forth when the child soldiers grow up. At this point, the exposure to violence and irrational extremism that formed the roots of the children’s development comes into a sharp conflict with the requirements, expectations and presentations of the world around them (Robson, 2003). At this point, former child soldiers face significant difficulty in becoming a part of society and it is common to find cases in which they choose to revert
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Aston manor brewery Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
Aston manor brewery - Essay Example Reflective Essay The Aston Manor Brewery is a United Kingdom based brewery and beer bottling company. It is situated in Aston, Birmingham, England. The Aston Manor’s major products include cider, beer, and perry. In the year 2008, Aston brewery emerged the third largest cider producing company in the United Kingdom. This rating was based on the market share and in the same capacity, it was rated the fourth largest producer of the same product in the world. Peter Ellis, the son of Doug Ellis is the manager of the Aston Company (Aston Manor Brewery, 2013; Pg. 01). In the year 2008, Frosty Jack’s Cider was the United Kingdom’s leading white cider brands. It is also worth noting that it is among other three Hammer brands. Four former employees of the Ansells founded Aston Manor in the year 1981 after Ansells closed one of its brewery that was known as the Aston Cross brewery. This led to the opening of a new brewery in the nearby lane, the Thimble Mill Lane. In the y ear 1984, Michael Hancocks, the then Herefordshire hop farmer and one of the major suppliers of the company, bought into the business. By the end of the year 1998, Aston Manor reported a profit turnover of ?1 million that included mainly over 70 percent sales of cider. However, by the year ending 2001, the company experienced immense competition leading to a decline of its profit to ?740,500. Nonetheless, by the end of the financial year 2009, the company reported immense profit of ?3 million. This significant increase in profit was pegged on the increased demand for the company’s products in the entire United Kingdom. It is worth noting that during the same year, the company took over the management of the Devon Cider Company that was based in the Tiverton. Devon up to that time had expanded its manufacturing facilities at its site of operation (Martin Information, Ltd, 1900; Pg. 92) and merging these two companies gave the Aston Manor a new face of production come its succe ss. Despite being an international business, the Aston Company remains 100 percent family owned, a factor that makes it deliver the finest products in the market (Aston Manor Brewery, 2013; Pg. 01). Additionally, the company owns over 300 acres of orchards from which it is stocked with Bittersweet apple trees that it uses to produce a wide range of cider drinks that covers the whole market. The products range from high end premium brands of mass market products with the former including Duchy Originals while that latter includes Frosty Jack’s Cider. The main strategic objective of the Aston Manor is to craft a range of ciders to suit everyone and very taste and this will expand the market for all the Aston manor’s products. The Aston Manor is a leading brewery for drinks in a business of its own. It creates its own market as well as distributed a series of cider brands both in the United Kingdom and globally. In all its products, Aston Manor produces a range of quality cider products that are made from sustainable means that are responsible for sourcing customers and markets and this is the means the company intends to expand its market for all its products. It is worth noting Aston Manor is committed to the industry best practice that has accelerated its accentuated membership into the national association of cider manufacturer (NACM). Moreover, it is a member of the British Retail Consortium (BRC) that ensures that it adheres to the global standards for food
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Importance of Declaration of Independence: Internet Freedom
Importance of Declaration of Independence: Internet Freedom Khoi Dao Relevance of Declaration of Independence In America’s revolution history, the Declaration of Independence wrote by Thomas Jefferson is one of the most iconic document. For most Americans, the Declaration of Independence describes the ideal government, one that works for its people and for their liberty, equality and happiness. Although our found father wrote the Declaration of Independence hundreds of years ago, this document is still relevant today because it gives us a blueprint to protect our â€Å"Internet’s right.†Internet is the most important invention in 20th century. There is not a better place for information and knowledge to be shared than on the World Wide Web. Internet is like supermarket of information and knowledge as it provided for everyone a fast access to practically limitless amount of data. Some people view it as a multimedia haven, some gush at the opportunities it will afford them to complete homework assignments, and for young adolescent boys it serves as a makeshift girlfriend. The Internet, and social networks by extension, is helping to spur an idea that seemed impossible a mere twenty years ago. Language barriers once prevented the average person from talking with someone in Asia or Europe, but now we have tools to communicate with someone in an entirely different language. A good example of this is Busuu.com, a site much like Facebook, where you can practice learning a language with people from different countries. The more humanity integrates over the web, the more soc ial borders dissolve. You might remember a time when the Internet did not exist, but the younger and upcoming generations will never know what it was like to live without web service. The internet service is a must have in nowadays society. Living in this age of technology without access to Internet is like living in a house with no electric. The most fundamental idea of the Internet is the freedom to share information. However, in recent years, the government proposes the SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act) and PIPA (Protect Internet Protocol Act) bills to further regulate the internet. The goal of these acts is to stop illegal downloading and protecting intellectual property rights, but they will do more than that. The entertainment industry wants to have the power to shut down an unauthorized site or person to protect its property. The SOPA and PIPA will introduce a vast potential for censorship and abuse on making the web less safe and frigid. Websites like Youtube and Facebook will be in the scope of these bills because these websites have huge base of users that express themselves, make arts and produce videos that have lots of copyrighted video clip and music mix in. The video of your baby that you post online will be taken down just because you have music playing in the background. Our politicians tamper with the basic idea of internet, the freedom to share information, just to make the entertainment industry happy. Government involvement in the net is comparable to talking on the phone to your girlfriend while your parents listen in. You can say a few of the things you want, but a lot of the content will be restrained. The notion of censorship is the elimination of the individual liberties of free speech as guaranteed by the American Constitution, prohibiting the right to individual interests and denying personal accountability. The Internet has become the next main target of government regulation and statism. If humanity allows the best symbol of freedom to be interposed upon the results could be catastrophic to the future of our race. The rules and regulations of Internet censorship are oddly close on the side of oppression. Government regulation of the net is comparable to placing D.U.I. checkpoints at every corner to make sure you remember to follow the laws and never consider deviation. While any regulation law introduced to society is always proclaimed to be done for the greater good, the greater good in this scenario may actually lead to the demise of the Internet as we know it. The government mandating Internet censorship will be the fall of democracy. We, as Americans, value freedom, especially speech, above most everything else. Our founding fathers set up our country to ensure that our right to freedom would forever be protected. Soldiers fight constantly to protect our ability to maintain freedom and not allow us to fall under the control of invading governments. Freedom of speech allows us to create our social identities. Communicating our ideas and beliefs, no matter how strong they may be, makes us unique. The Internet is one of the biggest platforms for freedom of speech and banning it as a place of free speech would cause great uproar. If the government had passed this bill it would serve as the tipping point for allowing censorship of speech in our society. While there are those who abuse the privileges of free speech on the Internet this can only lead to a dreary finish. Who is to say that the Internet is the only place where speech should be reg ulated? The government would then examine different places where they can implement restrictions and soon we may lose basic rights. Internet censorship is also contributing to creativity suppression. This creativity could potentially help the human race in the form of innovative new ideas. The Internet forms parallels to the enlightenment era of the 18th century. A big advancement back then was the new coffee shops where a person could pay a penny for a cup of coffee and sit down with other fine gentlemen. This was an interesting time because now a person could be around those of higher intelligence and imbibe the discussions concerning things like the natural sciences and philosophy. This era managed to reform society using reason rather than tradition, faith, and revelation, which lead to an explosion of learning and inquiry. It is almost like these were the prototype for todays Internet, but instead of coffeehouses of we now have sites like Khan Academy, Facebook, and YouTube to share ideas and these sites reach an audience of millions all from the comfort of their own homes. With every social and technologica l innovation the ease and speed of human interaction increases paving the way to greater strides in innovation and thought. If we censored the things said in these cafes who knows what kind of marvelous inventions we would be without today. I could be carving this paper into a rock right now like Fred Flintstone. Nevertheless, pro censorship lobbyist are more concerned with stopping pirating and not worried about the collateral damage all this meddling will have with the people who are actually contributing useful material. The Internet, like a blossoming flower, can truly something beautiful if we allow it to be. In the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson wrote, â€Å"governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government.†This statement is still true in today society. Since the government proposes the SOPA and PIPA bills, people were angry and frustrated. The online community bands together, and organizes the largest protest in Internet history to stopped the SOPA and PIPA bills. Numerous websites began discussion, educated its users about these bills and encouraged them to contact their representatives to stop these acts. Some websites even proposed a â€Å"internet blackout†to protest against these bills. On January 18, 2012, there are more than 100,000 websites participated in the protest. Websites participated in the black out included Reddit, Craiglist, Twitte r, Tumblr, and many more. These websites blackout its websites for 24 hours, and provided links for the users about the SOPA and PIPA bills. Google also participates in the protest as well. Google placed a censor bar over their Goodle doodle, and connected its users to page with information about SOPA and PIPA, and at the end of the day they got 4.5 millions of signatures on their petition. The protest was the huge success, the blackout lead to at least 18 senators withdrawing support of the bills. On January 24, which is the initial date the Congress would vote on these bills, the vote was postponed and the SOPA and PIPA bills are being stopped when people spoken loud and clear. This protest proved that Jefferson’s statement is still relevant to this day. Internet is the wonderful tool that we used it in everyday life, sometimes we even take it for granted. The government proposes SOPA and PIPA bills to censor the Internet, these bills are the biggest threat to the Internet freedom as we know it that’s ever existed. The online community came together and successfully stopped the bills. The Reluctant Fundamentalist | Analysis The Reluctant Fundamentalist | Analysis The Reluctant Fundamentalist is a novel by Mohsin Hamid, young celebrated writer who had very intricately woven the story around a young Pakistani, Changez, who faces a post 9/11 situation in the United States. The novel is his monologue: a quietly told, cleverly constructed fable of infatuation and disenchantment with America, set on the deceitful fault lines of east/west relations, and finely tuned to the ironies of prejudice and misrepresentation. This gives an insight into the post 9/11 scenario and what the Muslims had to face in the United States. It is a deeply provocative, excellent addition to the post September 11 novels. But it would be an understatement to merely term it that. The novel is rich in irony and intelligence. It is beautifully written and superbly constructed. It is more exciting than any thriller Ive read since long, as well as being a subtle and elegant analysis of the state of our world today. It seems that Mohsin Hamid would have us understand the novels title ironically. It has a double meaning likewise the title has one person with two different personas. We are provoked to question whether every critic of America in a Muslim country should be labeled a fundamentalist, or whether the term more accurately describes the capitalists of the American upper class. Yet these queries seem blunter and less interesting than the novel itself, in which the fundamentalist, and potential assassin, may be sitting on either side of the table. Even at the end of the novel the writer closes with the narration, He writes: I hope you will not resist my attempt to shake you by the hand. But why are you reaching into your jacket, Sir? Therefore, it can be gauged that the American even after all the hospitality does not shrug off the suspicion he had in the beginning. The writer starts the sentence in the second line which is self explanatory of the perception of Muslims in the United States post 9/11. It says: Do not be frightened by my beard: I am a lover of America. Throughout the novel we will come across instances where the writer tries to establish how the Americans perceive the Muslim world no matter how and what their contributions and emotions have been towards The United States. Authors Background: This book is written by Mohsin Hamid, born in 1971 in Lahore. After studying at Princeton and Harvard Law, he worked in New York and London, first as a management consultant with McKinsey and then as managing director of Wolff Olins. He now lives and writes in Lahore. His first novel, Moth Smoke- 2000, dealt with sex, drugs, and class conflict in 1990s urban Pakistan. It inquires the reader to judge the trial of an ex-banker and heroin addict who has fallen for his best friends wife. Moth Smoke became a cult hit in Pakistan. It was also the winner of a Betty Trask Award and a finalist for the PEN/Hemingway Award. This second novel, The Reluctant Fundamentalist -2007, explored the fear and suspicion that followed the 9/11 terrorist attacks. In it an American, encounters a bearded Pakistani who has left behind a high-flying career and love affair in New York. The novel became an international bestseller, won numerous awards, and was shortlisted for the Man Booker Prize. Mohsin also writes essays and journalism for the Guardian, Time Magazine, The New York Times, Dawn, La Repubica, and other publications. Mohsin Hamid started writing the novel in 2000 before even 9/11 struck and then after it stuck he weaved the story around the same man Changez who went to study in America and built it in the aftermath of the fall of the twin towers. Because the writer has been living in the United States and also studied at the same institutes that he has mentioned therefore there is a likelihood that his personal observations would have come into play too. Target Audience: The audience that the writer caters is general public. The fall of the twin towers in the United States shook the world and a war was inflicted in the name of War on Terror bringing Muslims under its crunch. Therefore this book especially focuses on the youth, as the post 9/11 situation affected mostly the young working and studying in the US. Summary: The novel begins a few years after 9/11. Mohsin Hamid has very intricately woven the story around a young bearded man, Changez who happens upon the American in Lahore, invites him to tea and tells him the story of his life in the months just before and after the attacks. In 2001, as he explains, Changez was hardly a radical, as he now appears, not from within, but from without. That monologue is the substance of Hamids graceful and unnerving novel. Fresh out of Princeton, Changez was living in New York City and working as a Financial Analyst. At Princeton he was one of only two Pakistanis in his class who did exceptionally well there: I reached my senior year without having received a single B. The man who hires him is also something like a mentor: Jim is an American who rose from poor circumstances to become a very successful man, and he sees a similar hunger in Changez, though Changez doesnt think they are that similar. The fundamental motivation is slightly different: I did not grow up in poverty. But I did. His indoctrination, however, was never total. Starting with his job interview at Underwood Samson to a post-graduation trip to Greece with friends from Princeton, Changez maintains an outsiders double perspective. On the trip he is infatuated with Erica, one of the other travelers, but is also bothered by his rich friends extravagance and the arrogance with which they give orders to anyone theyve paid for a service: I found myself wondering by what peculiarity of human history my companions many of whom I would have regarded as upstarts in my own country, so devoid of refinement were they were in a position to conduct themselves in the world as though they were its ruling class. Yet even as he recognizes the shortcoming of that ruling class, Changez, who comes from a high-status family, moving downwardly, also aspires to join it. Given his oft-mentioned phenomenal aptitude for his new job and a talent for winning over other people, that goal seems all but guaranteed. Has he sacrificed his identity in pursuit of his status? Is he an ignorant master or a shrewd subaltern? Changez has already begun to ask himself these questions when he sees the towers fall. And in the wake of the attacks, as tensions escalate between India and Pakistan, and the United States is caught up in patriotic displays that strike Changez as a dangerous form of nostalgia, he loses interest in his work. Assigned to help appraise a publishing company in Valparaiso, Chile, he spends his time visiting Nerudas house and lunching with the publisher, who compares Changez to a janissary one of the Christian youths captured and then conscripted by the Ottomans, compelled to do battle against their own civilization. He appears to hide himself and his emotions completely, until his reaction to the attacks through the sudden smile, pierces the shell. It seems to have come as a surprise even to him and while hardly endearing, it sets his tale in motion. Changez has a particular way with words, especially regarding the American. Rather than stating the obvious, he offers a more agreeable alternative one that permits both him and the American to continue their pretense. And that it is a charade right from the beginning. Come, tell me, what were you looking for? Surely, at this time of day, only one thing could have brought you to the district of Old Anarkali and that is the quest for the perfect cup of tea. Have I guessed correctly? In the last lines of the 1st page the writer pens the American mindset, he writes: You prefer that seat with your back so close to the wall? He then adds satirically explaining to the American that the Pakistanis are not all terrorists and to be feared: You would have been surprised by the sweetness of his (Waiters) speech, if only you understood Urdu. Mohsin Hamid also talks about the dilemmas of the Pakistani society and narrates: Status in any traditional, class conscious society declines more slowly than wealth. He also talks about the suspicion with which the Americans view the Pakistanis, he tells him that the food is not poisoned and therefore offers an exchange of tea cups also to shrug all suspicions. The writer continues reflecting on the American mind and how they view the Muslims and adds to the tale: The American says: Although I like Pakistanis but the elite has raped that place well and good, right? And fundamentalism, you guys have some serious problem with fundamentalism. The writer through the mind of Changez feels bridled but accepts that there was nothing overtly objectionable in what he said. But the offence that he took made him restrict his response to Yes there are challenges but my family is there and I can assure you it is not as bad as that. Readers may be led to believe that the conversation over tea and dinner is merely a framing device, and that the true heart of the novel is the life-story Changez recounts, but that narrative is interrupted too often. Changezs life-story holds clues to what brings these two men together here for what is surely meant to be a fateful encounter which the writer pulls that off to some extent. Two things follow the turning point in the novel: Changez begins his introspection about Americas hegemony and power and the city he had embraced with such joy only a few months before begins to view him with mistrust and suspicion as the public mood and climate change. Changezs life begins to unravel quickly. Erica slips away from him, is confined to a mental asylum and eventually disappears. He is fired from his job. He returns to Lahore, bitter and disillusioned about the United States, and begins to teach at a university. His exposition of US behavior in its grief-crazed, wounded state offers a sort of postscript to this novel. As a society, you retreated into myths of your own difference, assumptions of your own superiority. And you acted out these beliefs on the stage of the world Such an America had to be stopped in the interests not only of the rest of humanity but also in your own. Changez does not let on exactly what he does to stop America once he is back in Pakistan though he admits that is his mission. Hamid keeps the ending of the novel open and faintly ominous. It is hard to tell how reliable a narrator Changez is. Analysis: Mohsin Hamid is a young celebrated writer. A less sophisticated author might have told a short narrative of an immigrants experiences of discrimination and ignorance. But Hamids novel is distinguished by its portrayal of Changezs class aspirations and inner struggle. For, to be an American is to view the world in a certain way. Ericas obsession with the past engineered to dovetail with Americas nostalgia and with Changezs yearning for a lost Lahore while her disappearance neatly parallels his departure from America. Hamid, who himself attended Princeton and worked in corporate America, aptly captures the ethos and hypocrisies truly and intricately. We never learn the American mans identity, yet Changez regularly interrupts the story to address him. Perhaps he had been pursuing Changez, who has become a leader of anti-American protests. Apparently, the man is on a mission and he may be carrying a weapon, as indicated in the last lines. The use of monologue in The Reluctant Fundamentalist allows the writer intimate access to his central characters mind. Not without its limitations, monologue is used here with great effectiveness, particularly in helping to build suspense. Changezs tone, which is sometimes exaggeratedly polite, sometimes darkly menacing, is laced with the bitter irony. The precise, rather classical orchestration of symmetries and reciprocities is both a strength and a weakness in the book. It fosters the kind of concentratedly astute cultural observation at which Hamid excels. At frequent intervals the narrative executes a nice flourish in the form of some densely symbolic image or succinct remark. Changez meaningfully summarizes, for instance, the experience of every happy Manhattan transplant when he declares: I was, in four and a half years, never an American; I was immediately a New Yorker. Conclusion: The nature of fiction here is closer to reality. The east/west scenario, the discovery of ones patriotism and a morally superior set of values leaves Changez with a sense of decision to leave the United States in the wake of September 11 attacks. He, therefore becomes a potentially fascinating character, what his creator would have intended. This is undoubtedly a great novel written out of the anguished material of these kinds of east/west encounters. This book and its author (who won a Betty Trask award for his first novel, Moth Smoke) certainly has the potential to produce more world class novels. It gives an insight into the American mind and how the world in a post 9/11 circumstances view the Muslims. It also enhances feelings of patriotism when the other partys intentions become evident. My critical analysis of The Reluctant Fundamentalist is a testament to its genuinely provocative nature, and it remains, at the very least, an intelligent, highly engaging piece of work.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Conflict involves a clash of ideas, interests and expectations. ‘ Sometimes to achieve what we want, we may have to do something contradictory. This involves the clash of ideas, interests and expectations, which are the elements that make up conflict. Conflict is the way of human nature and comes In various forms: Inner conflict, interpersonal conflict, social conflict, cultural conflict, religious conflict and racist conflict.These conflicts can vary In terms of level: It can be Inner, arson to person, group to group, government to government, country to country, or In some cases, the bravest of men who dare to voice their pollen against a group of people alone. The notion of fighting for a belief comes to mind as history unravels the many conflicts which were encountered In the past, which are still prevalent today. Those brave men accused of being rebels such as the tank man In Attainment Square and Galileo Galilee trying to overthrow the government and the Vatican In place respectively, stood no fighting chance In what was largely a one-sided war. Cough, they did what they wanted to achieve. A clash of ideas, interests and expectations is seen through the everyday lives of everyone. A clash of ideas could simply be a minor disagreement. However, this minor disagreement could eventually escalate into a major disagreement, causing a huge conflict between both parties. This is seen in Berth Breech's â€Å"Life of Galileo†, where Galileo himself encounters what starts off as minor conflict but soon escalates into a major conflict between two parties.Galilees interest of Physics and his curiosity of how the universe works meant he stopped at nothing to uncover the truth behind the operation and the legitimacy of the Ptolemaic system. He uncovers the truth of the system and first attempts to express his ideas to Andrea, who disapproves of his theory. The conflict between Andrea and Galileo is considered as person to person, in which they are minor. H is next attempt to voice his idea was an attempt to persuade the monks of the church about his idea, risking his life to prove a theory.This conflict here is considered as person to group, where Galileo had no chance of winning in what was argyle a one-sided war. Similarly, the infamous scene at Attainment Square, June the 5th 1 989, where a single man stood up against a group of tanks charging onto the riot scene. The man stood against the tanks to express his view of the Chinese government's violent crackdown on the Attainment Square which occurred a day earlier. Although he knew he couldn't have won, he did something contradictory In an attempt to express his beliefs above Chinese Government.Conflict Is made up of various components such as Ideas, Interests and expectations. Conflict can never be resolved and Is the nature of the human life. Conflict Is how people express their views. Without conflict in society, the Ideology of the Copernicus system would never have been Introdu ced, and society will still be stuck with the unreliable Ptolemaic system. Conflict enables society to grow and move on to better things. That make up conflict. Conflict is the way of human nature and comes in various forms: inner conflict, interpersonal conflict, social conflict, cultural conflict, religious conflict and racist conflict.These conflicts can vary in terms of level: it can be inner, in some cases, the bravest of men who dare to voice their opinion against a group of the many conflicts which were encountered in the past, which are still prevalent today. Those brave men accused of being rebels such as the tank man in Attainment Square and Galileo Galilee trying to overthrow the government and the Vatican in place respectively, stood no fighting chance in what was largely a one-sided war, parties. Galileo interest of Physics and his curiosity of how the universe works the 1989, where a single man stood up against a group of tanks charging onto the riot earlier.Although h e knew he couldn't have won, he did something contradictory in an attempt to express his beliefs above Chinese Government. Conflict is made up of various components such as ideas, interests and expectations. Conflict can never be resolved and is the nature of the human life. Conflict is how people express their views. Without conflict in society, the ideology of the Copernicus system would never have been introduced, and society will still be stuck with the unreliable Ptolemaic Conflict Conflict involves a clash of ideas, interests and expectations. ‘ Sometimes to achieve what we want, we may have to do something contradictory. This involves the clash of ideas, interests and expectations, which are the elements that make up conflict. Conflict is the way of human nature and comes In various forms: Inner conflict, interpersonal conflict, social conflict, cultural conflict, religious conflict and racist conflict.These conflicts can vary In terms of level: It can be Inner, arson to person, group to group, government to government, country to country, or In some cases, the bravest of men who dare to voice their pollen against a group of people alone. The notion of fighting for a belief comes to mind as history unravels the many conflicts which were encountered In the past, which are still prevalent today. Those brave men accused of being rebels such as the tank man In Attainment Square and Galileo Galilee trying to overthrow the government and the Vatican In place respectively, stood no fighting chance In what was largely a one-sided war. Cough, they did what they wanted to achieve. A clash of ideas, interests and expectations is seen through the everyday lives of everyone. A clash of ideas could simply be a minor disagreement. However, this minor disagreement could eventually escalate into a major disagreement, causing a huge conflict between both parties. This is seen in Berth Breech's â€Å"Life of Galileo†, where Galileo himself encounters what starts off as minor conflict but soon escalates into a major conflict between two parties.Galilees interest of Physics and his curiosity of how the universe works meant he stopped at nothing to uncover the truth behind the operation and the legitimacy of the Ptolemaic system. He uncovers the truth of the system and first attempts to express his ideas to Andrea, who disapproves of his theory. The conflict between Andrea and Galileo is considered as person to person, in which they are minor. H is next attempt to voice his idea was an attempt to persuade the monks of the church about his idea, risking his life to prove a theory.This conflict here is considered as person to group, where Galileo had no chance of winning in what was argyle a one-sided war. Similarly, the infamous scene at Attainment Square, June the 5th 1 989, where a single man stood up against a group of tanks charging onto the riot scene. The man stood against the tanks to express his view of the Chinese government's violent crackdown on the Attainment Square which occurred a day earlier. Although he knew he couldn't have won, he did something contradictory In an attempt to express his beliefs above Chinese Government.Conflict Is made up of various components such as Ideas, Interests and expectations. Conflict can never be resolved and Is the nature of the human life. Conflict Is how people express their views. Without conflict in society, the Ideology of the Copernicus system would never have been Introdu ced, and society will still be stuck with the unreliable Ptolemaic system. Conflict enables society to grow and move on to better things. That make up conflict. Conflict is the way of human nature and comes in various forms: inner conflict, interpersonal conflict, social conflict, cultural conflict, religious conflict and racist conflict.These conflicts can vary in terms of level: it can be inner, in some cases, the bravest of men who dare to voice their opinion against a group of the many conflicts which were encountered in the past, which are still prevalent today. Those brave men accused of being rebels such as the tank man in Attainment Square and Galileo Galilee trying to overthrow the government and the Vatican in place respectively, stood no fighting chance in what was largely a one-sided war, parties. Galileo interest of Physics and his curiosity of how the universe works the 1989, where a single man stood up against a group of tanks charging onto the riot earlier.Although h e knew he couldn't have won, he did something contradictory in an attempt to express his beliefs above Chinese Government. Conflict is made up of various components such as ideas, interests and expectations. Conflict can never be resolved and is the nature of the human life. Conflict is how people express their views. Without conflict in society, the ideology of the Copernicus system would never have been introduced, and society will still be stuck with the unreliable Ptolemaic
Friday, January 10, 2020
Research skills and techniques education essay
This study high spots and evaluates my personal, academic and professional contemplations throughout this class and applies the acquisition to consideration of my professional pattern and on-going hereafter development. It explores chances for calling waies within and outside of the prison service and how my scope of accomplishments can progress my aspirations every bit good as enhance the environment in which I work. To this terminal, I have critically evaluated my movable accomplishments and their development through this acquisition journey together with chances to heighten these farther. In looking to the hereafter, a revised Professional Development Plan ( PDP ) for ongoing hereafter development has been compiled and included in Appendix I. Many of the acquisition results have been already been covered in some deepness within my PPD5 assignment and I have sought to lucubrate on cardinal countries of these within this paper. Background When foremost offered the chance to set about farther instruction through a Foundation Degree, I was ab initio excited at the chance. However, this shortly gave manner to dismissive ideas of successful completion as unachievable and self uncertainty about my ability to prosecute such a venture which resulted in me non roll uping the application signifier. It was merely when a co-worker, who had done so but decided non to take this forward, passed it to me, that I took the dip. A batch of ego talk was required to see how valuable this chance was for me. I considered that several of my equals would hold similar experiences and feelings which would do a natural and powerful support web significance that I would non be larning in isolation. Later, I was able to reflect and gain that cunctation is a peculiar trait and form of behavior for me, deep rooted in negative scheme ( Beck 1967:233 ) which I have been able to reflect on and compose about at some length throughout my farther instruc tion. Even coming towards the terminal of the Honours Degree ( which I undertook with greater enthusiasm ) , it is still apparent and something to guard against. This has been peculiarly of import in sing what has held me back from prosecuting advanced calling development until late. Brooding Practice: Using a scope of brooding theoretical accounts throughout my farther instruction surveies, I now appreciate how analysis of my accomplishments can assist towards the end of professional promotion and, significantly that of occupation satisfaction. I apply Gibbs ‘ ( 1998 ) Brooding Cycle readily to countries of my personal and professional life developing accomplishments of rating and analysis, both of ego and state of affairss which has led to effectual job resolution and informed decisions as will be illustrated below. Making this efficaciously, I have found, can widen the range for a more in-depth and wider encompassing program for ongoing development which hitherto, has been slightly narrow in its position. In other words, from being resigned to believing â€Å" this is my batch, I ‘ll merely acquire on with it †, to an active desire to use new acquisition, seek more and go motivated for calling patterned advance. Straker ( 2008:172 ) whose work builds on the research of Gardner ( 1983 and 2006 ) summed up the importance of purposeful contemplation for me â€Å" Knowing yourself includes cognizing that there are parts of yourself that you do non cognize and being ready to listen and research these. It besides means sing what parts of yourself you should expose or conceal, based on how it will assist your intent instead than merely based on personal penchant †. The danger of contemplation is that, for a postponer such as myself, one can acquire stuck in ego analysis without making anything about it or utilize the consequences of one ‘s analysis to remain within a ‘comfort zone ‘ . Kolb ( 1984 ) helped to measure my experiences and trial hypotheses about myself, values and work moralss but it did non spur me on to action whereas Gibbs sets out the program for ongoing development which is important for me so as non to stay procrastinating. In PPD5, I considered how Moon ( 2004 ) has been a utile resource on brooding pattern, in peculiar reminding me that contemplation is of import but it must ever take to action and the devising of positive alterations. She stresses the importance of experiential larning which includes contemplation but qualifies this to integrate active acquisition, guaranting purpose to larn and mechanisms of feedback to guarantee the whole procedure is effectual and meaningful for development ( p.122 ) . SchA-n ( 1983 ) explains how, as one becomes more experient, it becomes progressively possible to reflect in action instead than merely after action. This is something I am going more complete at and is peculiarly apparent in critical inciden t state of affairss in my function as a surety negotiant where this has immediate and practical every bit good as personal value. Interestingly the Cycle of Change by Prochatska and Diclemente ( 1982 ) , illustrated in Appendix II, highlights the stages which I can place with through my acquisition, professional and personal journey. I can frequently stay in contemplation and demand to happen the drivers and incentives to avoid oversights but, I am encouraged that these now exist more in copiousness which are sourced from many countries and the Honours Degree has been one of these. I am aware that the classs and feedback I have received throughout my farther instruction have been of a systematically good criterion and this has served as a beginning of encouragement and measuring of advancement and accomplishment. I must keep measurings and ends for my hereafter development and there are agencies in topographic point such as the Staff Personal Development Record ( SPDR ) , in Appendix III and Professional Development Plan ( PDP ) which I can utilize as guideposts and yardsticks. It is of import that, as the current period of survey draws to an terminal, this motive to accomplish continues and I now feel best placed to guarantee this happens..As mentioned in my PPD5 essay, in the yesteryear I have questioned the determination devising procedures of direction though this is being reshaped into a desire to derive a holistic overview of the work environment. â€Å" Get the better ofing expostulations to understanding others, for fright that this might confute our a in theories about ourselves and the universe, are cardinal hurdlings for which I must continually be aware †. ( Elliott, 2011 ) This has besides enabled me to measure what I can offer to functions to heighten the constitution ‘s public presentation. In my first Brooding Essay from January 2007 ( Appendix IV ) I described schema theory and the work of Beck ( 1967 ) . From this I have developed an involvement, non merely in reading of state of affairss which influence our beliefs but, peculiarly, how to develop the stimulation and positive emotional and cognitive drivers for professional and personal wellbeing. In detecting what gets in the manner, instead than being stuck in analysis, to travel beyond and put ends for positive development has been indispensable acquisition for me and reading this first essay shows how far I have come. The focal point of this paper is skills rating but furthermore, the ‘action ‘ stage of my development, placing chances and the practical stairss required for ongoing development. Employability Skills and Development Needs A scope of ego analysis tools have proved helpful in determining and attesting personal accomplishments which pave the manner for ongoing professional satisfaction. This has involved being critical as to what is and may realistically be come-at-able every bit good as widening the range for a scope of calling promotion chances. Using a scope of ego analysis tools I have been able to measure my employability accomplishments and an illustration is in Appendix V. Examining these proved personally satisfying and formed the footing for an in-depth review in a personal SWOT analysis ( Appendix VI ) which I had merely of all time antecedently applied to concerns within the range of the Honours Degree. On completion of this, it seemed logical to me that the values which concerns ascribe to should happen their ‘roots ‘ in the forces employed by the administration as, ideally, they should incarnate the same corporate beliefs, moralss and work patterns. As I will foreground subsequently, this has brought me into struggle with my ain work constitution where, utilizing freshly honed accomplishments of assertiveness and corporate consciousness, I am more readily able to dispute what I may comprehend to be insecure patterns. This has been possible through equilibrating my possible â€Å" failing †of being mission-focussed and developing this alongside effectual and robust empathy towards direction determinations At the clip of composing my Performance and Development record for this twelvemonth has non been recorded but as my SPDR for last twelvemonth ( Appendix III ) illustrates, I can stay pleased that I continue to run into marks set and work collaboratively with others to guarantee that the benefits of development are felt personally and by the administration. I have expanded this farther with creative activity of a new Development Plan ( Appendix I ) in order to keep continuity and on-going development. In order to see the scope of accomplishments necessary to accomplish my ends and aspirations, I completed a Career Values Tool and the study can be found in Appendix VII. To assist with this I referred back to a Personality Type Questionnaire competed for the PPD5 assignment. This was an of import analysis as it accurately highlighted the possible callings which fitted my profile. The function of ‘Counsellor ‘ featured conspicuously which is something I have long been interested in ( by the way, Musician and Actor which are personal involvements and besides featured high in the analysis ) . My functions in piquing behaviour intervention over the old ages have been the beginning of huge personal satisfaction as they met the values and accomplishments which I have enjoyed developing the most. Using the Career Values Tool, I input ‘Counsellor ‘ as an alternate calling pick and it was interesting to observe how this featured against the profile which had me as bal anced between ‘intuitive ‘ and ‘logical ‘ in my attack to work. Featured extremely were communicating accomplishments and my ability to work aboard people and cognizing that my work benefits others. When seen alongside my ‘white knight ‘ mission scheme of desiring to assist others, which can potentially be unhelpful, the balance of taking a logical, measured attack to job resolution is something I now know I possess and is to be worked on continually. The development of analytical accomplishments in my contemplations and undertakings throughout this last twelvemonth have helped to right this balance whereas before, if I had taken the Career Values Tool, I might hold been much further along the ‘intuition ‘ side of the continuum which, is non healthy or helpful for one seeking to develop a managerial function. Equally good as reflective and survey accomplishments, it is of import to develop the practical accomplishments required for current and possible functions. At my SPDR reappraisal subsequently this month I can research the options for this with my line director. The demand to develop concern consciousness, in order to understand corporate scheme in the workplace and enable publicity chances, is ongoing and the last few months have proved to be a testing clip in that respect. This has mostly been due to holding to take a grudge process against the Programmes and Psychology direction for what I perceive to be prejudiced and unethical behavior against myself. Having weighed up the options over the last 12 months or so, this action was the lone possible class and has required a step of focal point, assertiveness and an analytical overview of the state of affairs to do this determination and take this forward. Without this, I would hold reverted back to how I was prior to set abouting farther instruction and left the state of affairs unresolved and dwell in unhelpful contemplation which would hold affected my work and good being. The grudge is continuing at the clip of composing this study and, whatever the result, I can be satisfied that I have taken appropriate stairss to guarantee best ethical pattern and good being for the work force and administration as a whole. This has non been without an emotional response ( admiting this is a strength identified in Gibbs Reflective Cycle, 1998 ) as I do n't wish struggle or ‘rocking the boat ‘ but so, appropriate degrees of self-asserting direction and effectual analysis are important direction accomplishments which I have developed over recent old ages and is ongoing. This is peculiarly of import as I consider options for my hereafter and it is satisfying that I can take the positive accomplishments development acquisition from even the most testing of fortunes. The best step of how appropriate one ‘s actions are in the workplace, I have found, is one ‘s ain values of decency, moralss and duty and, in the above state of affairs, to hold these confirmed and used as my ‘yardstick ‘ for determination devising and professional unity, has proved honoring and queerly ‘comforting ‘ . No 1 should of all time see themselves to be the finished article and being confident in prosecuting continued development is a positive trait. In my instance, this helps to get the better of the scheme driven low self-pride and has surely enhanced a more positive belief for the hereafter. Among the cardinal acquisition experiences for me, alongside the above, are a acknowledgment of the functions of others, networking and effectual communicating. My calling way has involved working closely with and taking an involvement in people, both clients and co-workers likewise. In Appendix X I have conducted my ain accomplishments self assessment which covers a scope of academic and professional countries. This was motivated by a definition of entrepreneurship by Rothstein and Burke ( 2010 ) as 1 who is â€Å" aˆÂ ¦skilled in acknowledging chances, working those chances and making value †( p.217 ) . Whilst I will ne'er be an Alan Sugar or Duncan Bannatyne, I can be merely as entr epreneurial in my accomplishments base so as to add value to the administration. The fact that support was made available to let this period of survey serves as a reminder that, to some grade, this has already been recognised and how I choose to use this for common benefit is now being considered. Career Appraisal and Development During the Foundation Degree I was able to set about and go through the choice scrutiny for Senior Officer though I was unsuccessful in function drama appraisal. I was, nevertheless, able to take that experience and, instead than call on the carpet or castigate myself and brood in diffidence as I antecedently would hold, I have decided to take the measure of using for and set abouting the appraisal once more later this twelvemonth. For this, I will seek to utilize my Line Manager as wise man together with the preparation section as immediate point of mention and get down to research prison policy, security and direction accomplishments. I am now experiencing positive and motivated to win in this non merely from a practical, self-development position, but besides the pride and sense of accomplishment this will convey. Following the letdown of holding to step down from Sexual activity Offender Treatment work last twelvemonth, I have reappraised my personal development and, utilizing brooding accomplishments developed on the grade surveies, peculiarly Kolb ( 1984 ) to assist measure the experiences and Beck ( 1967 ) to understand how I was construing them. Having specialised in Drug wrongdoer rehabilitation for the last 12 months I can take the benefits of new acquisition and function experience frontward as I return to Sex Offender therapy later this twelvemonth. Pulling together the scope of experience and involvements I have enjoyed over consecutive old ages keeps me, foremost and first, actively engaged in working for and alongside others. This is encouraging and, in this period of alteration, I have come to gain the importance of occupation satisfaction as a cardinal incentive for me. Prosecuting a Counselling making would function as a way to an alternate calling should personal fortunes alteration for me in the hereafter. This could be due to cutbacks in the public sector or an establishment passage to the private sector. This could besides potentially be utilised in my current function should a guidance or mediation map become available which I can reason would value to the constitution. A important country of personal development has been in cardinal accomplishments of assertiveness and dialogue. These were identified early on in my brooding pattern as things I needed to work on. I was able to negociate a function within drugs support holding originally offered an office based appraisal place which I would hold found unfulfilling. Alongside this, within my current grudge process, I have assertively requested a clear professional development way from senior direction which besides ensures that all officer classs in the Programmes squad are offered the same which has, hitherto, been missing. Learning and Continuing Professional Development The Honours Degree has been vastly ambitious and honoring and, despite early frights, has worked in with my societal and work life and has encouraged me to ongoing acquisition and consideration of developing calling chances. There has been utile convergence of the assorted faculties of this class in which the acquisition and contemplations from each have been movable. An illustration is in analyzing ‘Effective Management Decisions ‘ has been of import for my thesis which evaluates Crew Resource Management. Learning to analyze the former, in an nonsubjective manner, has enabled a critical attack for the thesis guaranting the focal point remains on the advantages to concern public presentation and non merely to countries of forces safety which I might otherwise hold concentrated. It has been satisfying that I have been able to utilize the faculties of this class to look at countries which I find personally interesting and disputing which included planing undertakings to make best pattern in wrongdoer direction. Besides, I have long been interested in the commercial air power industry and to research competitory advantage of an air hose was good merriment, whilst besides honoring in the survey accomplishments that were required. Similarly, the thesis which looks at human factors in critical incidents originating from air power accidents takes that same personal involvement but analyses the larning points from that sector and explores what the prison service can profit from this within its ain operations. This seamless larning extends to the old Foundation Degree which I often refer to including the faculty on moralss, cultural consciousness and diverseness where the strong rules I ascribe and have documented, are continually evaluated and applied to my work pattern. It forms the footing of my ‘mission statement ‘ for development as recommended by Covey ( 2004 ) where concentrating who you want to be and what you want to make should be on the values you ascribe to each ( p.106 ) . I am presently researching options for Higher Education such as a Masters Degree every bit good as makings in reding. At this phase, I am diffident as to whether I should these at the earliest chance and go on the impulse of larning or have a twelvemonth interruption in order to pass clip concentrating on my personal life which does necessitate some attending. Whether I choose immediate and specific preparation at this clip or non, I can develop and heighten the accomplishments required for possible future functions in my current place using the preparation section, wise mans and line direction. All of these are portion of my on-going Professional Development Plan so I can keep the motive to maintain personal and professional aspirations at the head of my future work. I am now certain that my farther instruction will go on every bit will the deepness and comprehensiveness of my calling development. With the on-going function in Drugs Support, a move back to Sex Offender Treatment subsequently this twelvemonth, together with the Senior Officer appraisal in October and researching accelerated publicity chances in the prison service, I have much to maintain me motivated and stimulated. These are cardinal drivers for me as I have learnt in my four twelvemonth journey and I can now realistically see a managerial place and research such options. The Honours Degree is regarded as a valuable making both for its relevant content to the Criminal Justice System and Business and Management but besides symbolises the desire and committedness I have and have shown for continued ego development. For me, this highlights how seamless the passage has been through the acquisition journey and that it will go on to be so. This consciousness has made farther instruction and calling patterned advance options less of a mountain to mount but a soft way to enlightenment as some learned and revered adult male of religion likely one time said. A helpful resource has proved to be www.CIPD.co.uk which I have accessed throughout my surveies. This administration ‘s definition of acquisition is ‘a autonomous, work-based procedure taking to increased adaptative capacity ‘ . hypertext transfer protocol: //www.cipd.co.uk/hr-resources/factsheets/learning-talent-development-overview.aspx [ Accessed 18 February 2011 ] . This highlights the importance of personal duty in utilizing employer resources to develop an ever-widening range for calling development. Appendix VIII shows an infusion which proved helpful in critically measuring my development program and ensured it was appropriate to my demands and abilities every bit good as offering value to the workplace. Decision: I regard my new Curriculum Vitae ( Appendix IX ) as a valid working papers whereas I had considered my old one, prior to get downing Further Education, to be slightly antediluvian, irrelevant and out of day of the month. The nucleus accomplishments I have developed over the old ages and important accomplishments are included which serve as a reminder that, merely as I have now added the Honours Degree ( concluding consequence allowing ) , more is to come. As I look over it now, the passage and acquisition procedure which has brought me to this point in my life now is clearly apparent. I can see the journey of larning and experience I have been on and, with a renewed and positive position of myself and professional development potency, I will bask and use myself to the chances that lie in front. Appendixs: I. Personal and Professional Development Plan II. Cycle of Change ( Prochaska and Diclemente, 1982 ) III. Staff Performance and Development Record ( SPDR ) IV. Reflective Essay ( Jan 2007 ) V. Study Skills Self Assessment VI. SWOT Analysis VII. Career Values Tool VIII. Infusion from CIPD web site IX. Curriculum Vitae Ten. Research and Employability Skills Appendix I Personal and Professional Development Plan Appendix II Cycle of Change ( Prochaska and Diclemente, 1982 ) Appendix II The Cycle of Change: Prochatska and Diclamente ( 1982 ) This illustration is taken from the cyberspace and the beginning is in the bibliography. The rhythm of alteration has 6 stages and, for me, this diagram high spots good the countries at which I can sink, peculiarly contemplation and, hence am encouraged to keep motive. In ‘pre-contemplation ‘ , the individual does non see any job in their current behavior and has non considered there might be some better options. In ‘contemplation ‘ the individual is ambivalent – they are in two heads about what they want to make – should they remain with their existing behaviors and attitudes or should they seek altering to something new? It is this country which I need to be peculiarly on my guard to as non to sink. In ‘preparation ‘ , the individual is taking stairss to alter normally in the following month or so. In ‘action ‘ , they have made the alteration and populating the new set of behavior is an all-consuming activity. In ‘maintenance ‘ , the alteration has been integrated into the individual ‘s life – they are now more ‘enterprising ‘ . Relapse is a full return to the old behavior. This is non inevitable – but is likely – and should non be seen as failure. Often people will Get worse several times before they eventually win in doing a ( more or less ) permanent to a new set of behaviors. Appendix III. Staff Performance and Development Record ( SPDR ) Appendix IV. Infusion From My First Reflective Essay ( Jan 2007 ) Infusion From My First Reflective Essay ( Jan 2007 ) My earliest employment from go forthing school was within the travel industry. From the beginning, I sought to better my practical accomplishments base and enjoyed the challenge of run intoing the demands of clients, budgetary marks, preparation of staff, job resolution, through to the gap and direction of a travel bureau branch several old ages subsequently. Apart from the GCSE makings gained at school, any farther academic or professional acquisition has been gained whilst in employment. Transcripts of certifications attained, both school and work based can be found in the appendix. The accomplishments and accomplishments I have attained in my personal life are every bit movable to my work life. For illustration, as Chairman of a genealogical society for several old ages and public speech production battles both serve as reminders that I have organizational, research and presentation abilities which I can and should be using and developing along my calling way. I have had no formal direction preparation, yet gained important supervisory experience through demoing aptitude and dedication to undertaking, client base and forces. It is of import for me to show, through the Foundation Degree and subsequent preparation that I can larn direction and personal development accomplishments, but besides show I am able to use this acquisition in my work and personal life. At the same clip, I need to concentrate on a specific calling way which includes, in the first case, publicity to Senior Officer. The following logical patterned advance will, hence, be to use for and set about the senior Promotion Examination subsequently this twelvemonth. For this, I need to obtain inside informations of the chief occupation demands for this function and, utilizing my Line Manager as wise man and the preparation section as immediate point of mention, get down to research prison policy, security, direction accomplishments and preparation chances. Whilst I have considered project this before, I am now experiencing positive and motivated to win in this non merely from a practical, self-development position but besides the pride and sense of accomplishment this will convey. On successful completion of this scrutiny, I can seek to specialize in either wrongdoer rehabilitation or staff preparation which I would enjoy. This draws together the scope of experience and involvements I have enjoyed over consecutive old ages and maintain me, foremost and first, actively engaged in working for and alongside others. It is of import for me to develop assertiveness accomplishments and, whilst these have been improved upon over recent old ages, I am cognizant there is a continued demand for development in this country. I need to be pro-active in my ain acquisition, seeking chances and non over-relying on others to merely recognize my demands or chances and do recommendations. Part of this includes my demand to develop and seek out direction preparation and practice/demonstrate the accomplishments I have. It is every bit of import for me to enlist the aid of others in my development. My personal statement highlights how I can go excessively autonomous when I perceive no 1 understands my demands or are truly interested in my development. Seeking a more collaborative attack to my acquisition will non merely breed positive belief in myself and others, it will do the following phase of my calling more rewarding, satisfying, originative and productive every bit good as opening up a wider scope of chances in all countries of my life. The Study Skills Self-Assessment which I completed on 23 October 2007 ( Appendix ) highlighted three chief employability accomplishments I need to develop as: Bettering ain acquisition and public presentation Application of figure ( data aggregation and reading ) Information and engineering proficiency Alongside these, to develop, are my personal properties of Self assurance Flexibility and adaptability Opinion In this self appraisal I besides reflected on my ain specific failings which include being excessively self-critical and non praising my ain accomplishments enough which can impact my ability to be nonsubjective about my public presentation. I have a strong underpinning demand to support others and jump to their deliverance which I have come to see as a hinderance to my ain development and of those I seek to assist. This is a peculiarly of import country for me to turn to as future direction functions will necessitate me to let others to take their ain personal duty and merely offer counsel as appropriate. This ‘rescuer ‘ manner I have is schema-related and I will compose a piece for my portfolio on scheme theory and how this applies to me. Beck, 1967 described a scheme as â€Å" ..a cognitive construction for showing, cryptography, and measuring the stimulation that impingeA on the being †. In short, schemas are the filters or nucleus beliefs we have about oursel ves or the universe around us and, thereby, how we interpret different state of affairss in our lives. The nature of the work I do in wrongdoer rehabilitation requires me to set about regular de-briefing, supervising, annually wellness reappraisals and bi-monthly guidance. This, together with scheme theory and other therapy theoretical accounts I use with captives, which I have besides applied to myself, means I spend a batch of clip being introverted and sharing this with co-workers. Add to this, the personal development elements of the Foundation Degree, means I need to be aware of equilibrating this wealth of self-contemplation with practical stairss for a successful hereafter. One of the press releases for self-appraisal from this class has helped me see what can acquire in the manner of things I want to make. These include hapless clip direction and a deficiency of construction and balance in and between my work, survey and private life. This is of import as I can go frustrated by unneeded last minute efforts to run into deadlines. By holding a clear coherent program I can be after my work and life more efficaciously and, this alone gives me a sense of exhilaration and motive. Appendix V. Study Skills Self Assessment Dowson, Paul. , ( 2004 ) Study Skills Self Assessment, Leeds Metropolitan University Appendix VI. SWOT Analysis Appendix VII Career Values Tool Report Appendix VIII. Infusion from www.CIPD.co.uk { Accessed 18 February 2011 )Possible benefits of development planningRelevant acquisition and development is more likely to go on in pattern when you are end directed. Learning that is planned is more efficient. Unanticipated acquisition chances are more likely to come to your attending when you are prepared for them. The picks of larning methods are more likely to be appropriate following completion of a development program and their usage can be designed and managed to supply a trim tantrum with your demands and involvements. Motivation and assurance in taking duty for one ‘s ain acquisition can be enhanced.Possible restrictions of development planningThe quality of a completed development program can endure without seasonably and relevant diagnostic information from others. The creative activity of a valid and functional program is peculiarly hard to accomplish without the active support and understanding of others who are relevant to you in your current function. The successful execution of even a well-crafted program is non guaranteed without go oning support and challenge from others.Operating intimationsEnsure that there is ready entree to relevant and valid diagnostic informations in the designation of larning demands. Ensure that there are chances for, potentially, several loops of the program in draft signifier to which relevant others in the administration have the chance to lend by manner of thoughts and information. In taking larning methods, explore and clear up these exhaustively anterior to doing determinations about which to utilize. This may affect treatment and understanding with others who will necessitate to supply clip or other aid. Ensure understanding is reached about larning ends and methods between, for illustration, you and your director. Ensure that clear marks and other ‘mileposts ‘ associated with learning ends are agreed between yourself and other interested parties. Arrange for training or mentoring aid where appropriate to cover both the creative activity and execution of the development program. Appendix IX. Curriculum Vitae Appendix X Research and Employability SkillsResearch accomplishments and techniquesEffective job work outing Independent, critical thought, while analyzing and developing established theory and research Underpining cognition of my work environment Research accomplishments and utilizing these to critically measure my findings and those of others Personal and professional contemplation, concise study composingResearch environmentAwareness of the deepness and comprehensiveness of research and able to contract down the field to guarantee clear focal point of subject. In my functions in programmes I have a good unpinning cognition of ethical pattern and adhere to the Prison Service and British Psychological Society rules of best ethical pattern. Ability to utilize a assortment of agencies to collate informations for concluding analysisResearch directionSet undertaking ends and work towards effectual timescales and work precedences Able to place and entree appropriate bibliographical resources, archives, internet resources and other beginnings of relevant information Information engineering accomplishments to make databases, study authorship, exemplifying and presenting of findings and informations. Illustrated through farther instruction surveies and puting up research undertakings undertaken within work function ( for illustration, establishment a needs analysis for a proposal to make a curative wing at HMP Full Sutton )Personal effectivityA deep desire and ability to larn and get cognition Creative, advanced and original in my attack to research Flexible, non-judgemental and open-minded Strong self-awareness and able to place my ain preparation demands Self-disciplined, motivated, and thorough in set uping and accomplishing best pattern in professional life. Brooding ability to set up my ain boundaries and use all beginnings of support as appropriate Ability to demo inaugural, work independently and am autonomous whilst keeping strong squad values particularly in a leading function. Puting up new processs and protocols. ( For illustration, puting up the Penile Plethysmograph Suite which became a Centre of best pattern and my advice sought at other constitutions. Was cited in the national preparation manuals for processs I created which have been adopted nationally.Communication accomplishmentsA clear and appropriate manner dependent upon intent, e.g. advancement studies, published paperss, undertakings, grudge processs. Articulate in presenting stuffs clearly to a scope of audiences, officially and informally through a assortment of techniques including the usage of Powerpoint. Ability to negociate results whilst assertively defendable of robust personal and professional ethical issues. Strong involvement in developing the acquisition of others through mentoring and supervising.Networking and teamworkAs evidenced throughout my farther instruction surveies, I develop co-operative webs and working relationships with supervisors, co-workers and equals, within my establishment and the wider research community. An apprehension of the behavior of ego and others to enable effectual squad coherence Developed a scope of perceptive feedback accomplishments particularly constructive.Career directionA demonstrated committedness to continued professional development as demonstrated through Foundation Degree and BA ( Hons ) surveies. Ownership of ain calling patterned advance with realistic and accomplishable calling ends which are identified in such as manner as to develop and better employability Movable research accomplishments from farther instruction which can be used within the work environment and other calling chances such as Counselling. Ability to show my accomplishments, personal properties and experiences through effectual CVs, applications and interviews
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